CSE403 - Spring 03 Headline Tracker Jeremy Claeson Albert Wong
CSE403 - Spring 03 Overview Headlines anywhere on demand Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds User-subscribed sites
CSE403 - Spring 03 System Overview Java Servlet and J2ME for full-featured, self- contained solution Simple to use with intuitive interfaces Quick access to information
CSE403 - Spring 03 System and Software Architecture Midlet on mobile device; Servlet on server Midlet Headline Tracker J2SE Servle t DBMS Internet News.co m... wire d cn n nas a PostgresSQL Figure 1
CSE403 - Spring 03 Lifecycle Plan Gain experience working with databases, J2ME and Java Servlet technology API and database design first –Interfaces for midlet to access servlet –Database schema to store user data and RSS info Stable release with basic features by June 5 Support after quarter through GPL release
CSE403 - Spring 03 Feasibility Simple concept –Valuable tool for people on the go –Easy to use and understand Database knowledge required –Leverage database programming knowledge of team Possible scalability issues –Addressed by caching of feeds using DBMS