content objective assumption function user interface requirement price range sale figure introductionworking schedule budget potential need you can click on the above item go to next page
objective Handwritings and documents always need to be saved into computer. If we do not have suitable software, we need to type them one by one. It is very time- consuming, inefficient and easy to make mistakes. In this view, TH-OCR NK is needed. go to content pagego to next page
assumption We assume the users have Chinese windows 95/98/NT installed in their computer. Users are expected to have ability to type in Chinese or have a hand writing board. go to content pagego to next page
potential need Survey have been carried out by individual interviews and web questionnaires, where records collected successfully. 61% of the interviewees said they need the software while 29% of them said they will consider to buy it. It show that TH-OCR NK is in a demand. go to content pagego to next page
introduction to TH-OCR NK TH-OCR NK is a not a typical optical character recognition. Besides recognize characters, it can perform the following tasks : merge two or more documents recognize different kinds of charts recognize different languages in one file It can recognize characters from all kind of graphic files and save the recognized character into different type of files. go to content pagego to next page
function Some system functions are illustrated as the following : 命令 4.0 辨識 4.1 新字學習 4.2 版面分析 4.3 編輯校對 4.4 中文 英文 日文 數學算式 繁體中文 簡體中文 go to content pagego to next page
user interface A graphic file is load into TH-OCR NK go to content pagego to next page
user interface TH-OCR NK is analyzing the characters of the graphic file go to next page
user interface Analysis is finished. It’s the time for editing the text. go to next page
requirement hardware requirement : or above 4 MB RAM 2X CD ROM scanner software requirement : Windows 95/98/NT NJwin2.0 (if recognize Japanese character) go to content pagego to next page
Users are expected to know how to use scanner how to input Chinese characters or Japanese character ( if recognize Japanese characters) operate Windows 95/98/NT requirement go to next page
Price will be set between US$12 to US$17 for each package in the first year. We will adjust the price according to the inflation. price range sale figure Optical character recognition have a great demand in the market. We expected we would sell about 3 million of packages in the first year all over the world. We estimate that the sale figure will rise continuously in the first five years. go to next pagego to content page
working schedule tasks expected time (weeks) survey 3 proposal writing 1 system analysis and design 5 coding and data installation 20 working report 1 testing 4 system implementation 6 system evaluation 6 total46 go to content pagego to next page
budgetitems amount (US$) survey 500, 000 system annalists ( x 5 ) 1, 500 x 5 x 11 months coder ( x 5 ) 1100 x 5 x 11 months system tester ( x 3 ) 1000 x 3 x 11 months production 250, 000 rent for working place 5000 x 11 months promotion 1, 500, 000 tax and copyright 200, 000 total 2, 681, 000 go to content pagego to next page
Tel : Fax : software : TH-OCR NK date : 1st. November, 1999 account no Please call us if you have any question.