Space News Update - December 20, 2013 - In the News Story 1: Story 1: NASA confident spacesuits ready for cooling system repair work Story 2: Story 2:


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Presentation transcript:

Space News Update - December 20, In the News Story 1: Story 1: NASA confident spacesuits ready for cooling system repair work Story 2: Story 2: Putting Exoplanets on the Scale Story 3: Story 3: NASA's Deep Space Network Turns 50 Departments The Night Sky ISS Sighting Opportunities Space Calendar NASA-TV Highlights Food for Thought Space Image of the Week

NASA confident spacesuits ready for cooling system repair work

Putting Exoplanets on the Scale

NASA's Deep Space Network Turns 50

Sunday, December 22  One of the nearest galaxies is dusty NGC 253 in Sculptor. Fewer deep-sky delvers know this narrow spindle, magnitude 7.8, than ought to — no doubt because it's officially in a dim, obscure southern constellation. But it's actually an easy star-hop just 7° south of 2nd-magnitude Beta Ceti, as shown in Gary Seronik's Binocular Highlight in the December Sky & Telescope, page 45.December Sky & Telescope Monday, December 23  With fall gone and winter here, the Great Square of Pegasus is again tipped up onto one corner after dinnertime, now descending on the western side of the sky. The main line of Andromeda's stars extends up from its top corner. The Night Sky Friday, December 20  At this cold time of year the Big Dipper, highest in the warm late spring, may be the last thing on your mind. But look low in the north at nightfall and there it is, resting upright on or near the horizon — if you're not too far south!  With a telescope this evening, watch Jupiter's moon Io disappear into eclipse in Jupiter's shadow at 9:15 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. Io will fade away just off Jupiter's western limb. Forty-five minutes later, Ganymede emerges across the western limb onto dark sky. Then around 11:23 p.m. EST, Jupiter's Great Red Spot (strong orange this season) transits the planet's central meridian. Saturday, December 21  Today is the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere; the longest day in the Southern Hemisphere. Winter in the north, and summer in the south, begin at the solstice: 12:11 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. This is when the Sun reaches its farthest point south for the year and begins its six- month northward return. Happy Yule.  If there's one constellation that everyone should know at this time of year, it's wintry Orion climbing up in the east-southeast. As always when Orion is on the rise, the three-star Belt of Orion in its middle is nearly vertical. Show someone Orion this week and they'll know it for a lifetime. Sky & Telescope

ISS Sighting Opportunities Sighting information for other cities can be found at NASA’s Satellite Sighting InformationSatellite Sighting Information ISS For Denver: DateVisibleMax HeightAppearsDisappears Fri Dec 20, 5:11 PM2 min11°10 above NNW10 above N Sat Dec 21, 6:00 PM1 min12°10 above NNW12 above N Sun Dec 22, 5:12 PM2 min11°10 above NNW10 above NNE Sun Dec 22, 6:48 PM< 1 min11°11 above NNW Mon Dec 23, 6:00 PM2 min18°10 above NNW18 above NNE

NASA-TV Highlights (all times Eastern Daylight Time) December 20, Friday 2 p.m. - NASA Google+ Hangout: 'Earthrise' A New Visualization - 45th Anniversary of Apollo 8 Viewing Earth from Space - GSFC (All Channels) 4 p.m. - Replay of NASA Google+ Hangout: 'Earthrise' A New Visualization - 45th Anniversary of Apollo 8 Viewing Earth from Space - HQ (All Channels) 8 p.m. - Replay of NASA Google+ Hangout: 'Earthrise' A New Visualization - 45th Anniversary of Apollo 8 Viewing Earth from Space - HQ (All Channels) December 21, Saturday 6:15 a.m. - ISS Expedition 38 Spacewalk Coverage (spacewalk scheduled to begin at 7:10 a.m.) - JSC (All Channels) December 23, Monday 6:15 a.m. - ISS Expedition 38 Spacewalk Coverage (spacewalk scheduled to begin at 7:10 a.m.) - JSC (All Channels) Watch NASA TV online by going to the NASA websiteNASA website

Space Calendar JPL Space Calendar Dec 20 - Tupac Katari (TK-Sat 1) CZ-3B/E LaunchTupac Katari (TK-Sat 1) Dec 20 - Thaicom 6 Falcon 9 LaunchThaicom 6 Dec 20 - Comet C/2013 V3 (Nevski) Closest Approach To Earth (0.864 AU)Comet C/2013 V3 (Nevski)Closest Approach To Earth Dec 20 - Comet 178P/Hug-Bell Closest Approach To Earth (1.345 AU)Comet 178P/Hug-BellClosest Approach To Earth Dec 20 - Asteroid 4455 Ruriko Occults HIP (3.8 Magnitude Star)Asteroid 4455 Ruriko Occults HIP Dec 20 - Asteroid 2013 WR45 Near-Earth Flyby (0.045 AU)Asteroid 2013 WR45Near-Earth Flyby Dec 20 - Asteroid 2012 CL19 Near-Earth Flyby (0.098 AU)Asteroid 2012 CL19Near-Earth Flyby Dec 20 - Asteroid 4701 Milani Closest Approach To Earth (1.494 AU)Asteroid 4701 Milani Dec 20 - Asteroid 67 Asia Closest Approach To Earth (1.767 AU)Asteroid 67 Asia Dec 20 - Asteroid Mikeanderson Closest Approach To Earth (2.176 AU)Asteroid Mikeanderson Dec 21 - Winter Solstice, 17:11 UTWinter Solstice17:11 UT Dec 21 - Comet 52P/Harrington-Abell Closest Approach To Earth (0.989 AU)Comet 52P/Harrington-AbellClosest Approach To Earth Dec 21 - [Dec 16] Comet C/2013 W2 (PANSTARRS) Closest Approach To Earth (4.082 AU)Comet C/2013 W2 (PANSTARRS)Closest Approach To Earth Dec 21 - Asteroid 1740 Paavo Nurmi Closest Approach To Earth (1.329 AU)Asteroid 1740 Paavo Nurmi Dec 21 - Asteroid 9879 Mammuthus Closest Approach To Earth (1.537 AU)Asteroid 9879 Mammuthus Dec 21 - Asteroid 3259 Brownlee Closest Approach To Earth (2.275 AU)Asteroid 3259 Brownlee Dec th Anniversary (1978), Venera 12, Venus LandingVenera 12 Dec th Anniversary (1968), Apollo 8 Launch (Frank Borman, Jim Lovell and Bill Anders)Apollo 8 Dec 22 - Ursids Meteor Shower PeakUrsids Meteor Shower Dec 22 - Comet C/2013 R1 (Lovejoy) Perihelion (0.812 AU)Comet C/2013 R1 (Lovejoy)Perihelion Dec 22 - Comet P/2012 O3 (McNaught) At Opposition (3.467 AU)Comet P/2012 O3 (McNaught)At Opposition Dec 22 - Comet C/2012 A1 (PANSTARRS) Closest Approach To Earth (6.642 AU)Comet C/2012 A1 (PANSTARRS)Closest Approach To Earth Dec 22 - Comet C/2012 A1 (PANSTARRS) At Opposition (6.642 AU)Comet C/2012 A1 (PANSTARRS)At Opposition Dec 22 - Asteroid Arthurdent Closest Approach To Earth (1.027 AU)Asteroid Arthurdent Dec th Anniversary (1988), Discovery of the LEW Meteorite (Mars Meteorite)LEW Meteorite Dec 23 - Comet 189P/NEAT At Opposition (3.045 AU)Comet 189P/NEATAt Opposition Dec 23 - Comet 172P/Yeung At Opposition (3.958 AU)Comet 172P/YeungAt Opposition Dec 23 - Asteroid 2013 WD44 Near-Earth Flyby (0.059 AU)Asteroid 2013 WD44Near-Earth Flyby Dec 23 - Asteroid 443 Photographica Closest Approach To Earth (1.221 AU)Asteroid 443 Photographica Dec 23 - Asteroid Jocelynbell Closest Approach To Earth (1.161 AU)Asteroid Jocelynbell Dec 23 - Asteroid 2625 Jack London Closest Approach To Earth (1.484 AU)Asteroid 2625 Jack London Dec 23 - Asteroid Curly Closest Approach To Earth (2.399 AU)Asteroid Curly

Food for Thought When Science is Art: a New Map of Wind Patterns

Space Image of the Week A Colorful Moon Image Credit & Copyright: László FrancsicsCopyrightLászló Francsics