Facts for February 2 February Candlemas Day marks the midpoint of winter halfway between the Winter solstice (shortest day) and the Spring equinox
What’s on ?? Monday 4.30 P5 – 7 Girls Football – Infant Hall Tuesday 9.15P6 Guitar Group – GP Room E Visit to Tesco's 9.157E Visit to KGS 11.20Piping P5/6 – GP Room Active Start P4 – Infant Hall 4.00Active Schools Football P League Football Coaching - Picky
What’s on ?? Wednesday 1.00P7 Piping Group GP Room SUPA Club – GP Room P6 Netball – Infant Hall Thursday Pre-school Family Join In Time 2.00Ragnhild Ljosland – Visit 4E 2.30Pre-school Family Join In Time 3.00P7 Netball - Infant Hall Friday 12.00Pupil Council – GP Room 2
Eco Club We would like to thank all classes who have already taken the time to watch and count birds for the Big Bird Watch There is still plenty of time for you to take part if you haven’t had a chance already. A whole week to go! The Birdwatch only takes an hour. The map is on the table near the office. This shows good places to watch and count. Thank you to those classes who have already given Mrs Dufort your results. Happy Birdwatching! This week the Eco Club will be doing a Litter Survey. Every day, two members of the Eco Club will join Mr MacKinnon for the survey. This will take place straight after morning break. Thank you.
P4 Fund Raiser for Cancer Research and Water Aid This week they will be selling raffle tickets at breaktime at the P3 Entrance everyday this week at 10p each. There will be a Colouring Competition for children P4 and under. Pupils from Primary 4 will call around the classes to sell these at 20p each.
Dinner Hall Reminders Please hold on to your tray Cutlery and Mug goes in the bucket on the table Rubbish in the bin provided Hand tray to the Dinner Lady when finished.
Well Done to …………. Hope, Sophie and Kayla who all moved up a Level at their swimming classes. Eva on her Kick Boxer of the Year Certificate
Well Done to …………. Our Buddy of the Week Freya 7S