I Tried Twitter and Didn’t Get It! Dick
Road Map For Tonight What’s Twitter – Why Should I Care? How Do I Get Set Up and Use It? How Can I Use Twitter In Learning? Avoiding Looking Like An Idiot Finding Your Tweeple
What Is Twitter Twitter In Plain English
Why Should You Care? Quick way to connect Fastest growing social media tool Flexible and accessible Fun
How Do I Get Set Up? Create a free account Find some people to “follow” Search for subjects that interest you Create an subject tracker
Using Twitter In Learning Quickly connect to experts Track trends and news Have students work together Build community of knowledge
Avoiding Looking Like An Idiot To start, read 90% and tweet 10% Share out information. Share. Do it again. Never sell. Never be evil. Never steal. Assume every tweet will be on the New York Times.
Finding Your Tweeple If you read blogs, see if Search for posts that interest you. See who your favorites follow. Search for big names – you’d be surprised.
I Tried Twitter and Didn’t Get It! Dick