Quick Clearance Michigan State Police 5 th District
Cooperative Effort Michigan Department of Transportation Michigan State Police Local Road Commissions Local Police departments
Need for Change 14% of all crashes are secondary crashes mostly due to traffic backup and stoppage
Regional Concepts for Transportation Operations (RCTO) Crash Data Traffic Flow / Volume Construction areas Speed limits
Current Programs Improved Crash Technology Total Stations 3D mapping
Current Programs Home Town Security Team patrol high crash areas quick response flood area with patrol
Current Programs Traffic Services speed limit corrections 65 to 70 mph 55 to 60 mph – trucks 45 to 55 mph – minimum speed limit Create better traffic flow / reduce crashes
Current Programs Improved Traffic signs Portable message boards Texas Twp Fire Van Buren County Road Commission
Traffic Initiatives Improve training for police officer maintain open lanes of travel positioning of emergency vehicles advanced warnings scene photos / marking quick clearance / towing delayed towing
Traffic Initiative Electronic signage permanent MDOT message boards Review emergency routes and secondary routes Adjust MSP post resources Hazmat clearance Media relations