Introduction.  Germany was split into 4 sections— controlled by the 4 winners of WW2  Tension grew between democratic and communist governments in Germany.


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Presentation transcript:


 Germany was split into 4 sections— controlled by the 4 winners of WW2  Tension grew between democratic and communist governments in Germany and throughout the world

 Cold War: a period of political/military tension between communist & non-communist countries from end of World War II until 1990  #11: Why was it known as the Cold War?  It was called the “Cold War” because both sides were afraid of directly fighting each other in the “heat of battle.”  Soviet Union: Known as USSR—a large eastern European country made up of 15 present-day countries  #12: The most important country in the Soviet Union?  Russia  #13: The Soviet Union’s main rival was?  The United States

 In 1949, 28 countries signed a treaty to form an alliance known as NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)  US, Canada, and western Europe= known as the “Western Bloc” countries  Formed to prevent spread of communism & another world war  #14: To retaliate, the Soviet Union made a military alliance with other Communist nations in Eastern Europe called?  The Warsaw Pact

 #15: Puppet government: A country that appears to have its own government, but is actually controlled by another government.  #16: Soviet Bloc: The Soviet Union & its puppet governments (Communist Eastern Europe)  Bulgaria  Czechoslovakia  East Germany  Hungary  Poland  Romania  Yugoslavia

Map of Soviet Union

Map of Soviet Bloc: Soviet Union & Puppet Governments

 #18: What is communism?  A political and economic system where the government plans and completely controls a country’s economy.  #19: What are characteristics of a communist government?  Limited travel  Command economy  Little/no freedom of speech  Little/no freedom of religion  Citizens own little/no private property  Propaganda  Government owns/controls communication, education, factories, and banks. What is Communism?

 #20: In a communist country, how is wealth divided among citizens?  Equally  #21: Why were people afraid of communism?  Worried that it would spread throughout the world  People want a say in their lives & freedom, but communism gives you very little of that.

 1980s: people in Eastern Europe began to rebel against communism.  Communist governments became weaker  Soviet Union dissolved in  Many new, smaller nations were created after earning their independence.

 #21: Why is Eastern Europe less advanced than Western Europe?  Because of the years of communist rule preventing their growth.  #22: How is Eastern Europe less advanced than Western Europe?  More poverty  Lower literacy rates  Higher infant mortality rates  Higher unemployment rates  Less advanced businesses/industries

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