Chapter 5 Conditional: Present Real (If ____ Will) Present Unreal (If ____Would) Hope-Clauses
Vocabulary Preview Pollution
Vocabulary Preview Representative a person who represents others spokesperson
Vocabulary Preview Encourage To give help To inspire with courage, spirit or hope
Vocabulary Preview Aggressive “I don’t care if it my fault, the customer is always right!” Behavior between two people that is intended to cause pain or harm
Vocabulary Preview Carsick Motion Sickness from the car that is moving
Present Real Conditional
Present Real Conditional (If __________ will _________) I I’ll we feel we’ll you you’ll If they better, they’ll eat dinner. he he’ll she feels she’ll it it’ll
Present Real Conditional (If __________ will _________) Present Real Conditional is used to predict what will happen under certain (real) conditions. Examples: If Result If the weather is good, she’ll probably ride her bike If it rains, he’ll probably watch TV. If the weather is good, she will probably ride her bike. If it rains, he’ll probably watch TV.
They Aren’t Sure page 66 How is Angela going to get to work tomorrow? She isn’t sure. If the weather is good, she’ll probably ride her bicycle. If the weather is bad, she’ll probably take the bus
Page 66 1.) What’s Ben going to do this Saturday? If it’s sunny, ___________________. If it rains, _____________________. ?
Present Real Conditional If ________might _______ The present real conditional is used to talk about what might happen under certain (real) conditions. If Result If he comes to the beach, he might get carsick. If Abigail goes to school today, she might give her cold to the other children.
Present Real Conditional If ________might _______ Do you think Rover should come to the beach with us today? No, I don’t. If he comes to the beach with us today, he might get carsick.
Do you think….? Page 67 A. Do you think Abigail should go to school today? B. No I don’t. If she comes to school today, she might give her cold to the other children.
Closure If ______, will_________. 1.) If Amanda oversleeps this morning, _____ the bus. If _______, might_______. 2.) If you drink tea with honey, ________.
In class: Side by Side: Page 66 #1-6 Page 67 #1-8 (Due tomorrow)
Present Unreal Conditional If _______ would _______
Present Unreal Conditional If ________ would ________ Example: I I’d he he’d If she had more time, she’d study more. we we’d you you’d they they’d
Present Unreal Conditional If ________ would ________ Example: I I he he If she didn’t have she wouldn’t be. we an exam, we nervous. you you they they
Present Unreal Conditional If ________ would ________ Example: I I’d he he’d If she were stronger, she’d be able to do we we’d that. you you’d they they’d
Present Unreal Conditional If ________ would ________ Example: I I he he If she weren’t she wouldn’t make we careless, we mistakes. you you they they
Present Unreal Conditional (If ________ would ________) The Present Unreal Conditional is used to talk about what you would generally do in imaginary situations. [If ... Simple Past ..., ... would + verb ...] Examples: If I owned a car, I would drive to work. But I don't own a car. If they worked harder, they would earn more money.
Present Unreal Conditional (If ________ would ________) Present unreal conditionals indicate a situation which is only imagined or in some-one's mind. More examples: If I had a million dollars, I would invest it in the stock market If I had a pony, I would ride it every day.
Present Unreal Conditional (If _I were_____, would______) In the Present Unreal Conditional, the form "was" is not considered grammatically correct. In written English or in testing situations, you should always use "were." However, in everyday conversation, "was" is often used. Examples: If he were French, he would live in Paris. If she were rich, she would buy a mansion. If she was rich, she would buy a mansion Not Correct (But often said in conversation.)
Present Unreal Conditional (If _I were_____, would______) More examples: If I were you, I would get a lawyer. If I were a lawyer, I would not charge you. If she were a lawyer, Sheila would be rich. See more examples on Present Unreal Conditional
Closure 1. She doesn’t speak English, so she doesn’t understand you. If she ____________ English, she_________ you. 2. 2. He can’t drive, so he won’t buy a car. If he ______________, he_____________ a car. 3. 3. He isn’t rich, so he won’t buy a beach house. If he ________ rich, he ________ a beach house.
In class: Side by Side: Pages 72-73 #1-12 (Due tomorrow)
Review: (If ______ wouldn’t (would not) _________) A. I wonder why Oliva works so hard. B. She must like her job. A. You’re probably right. If she didn’t like her job, she wouldn’t work so hard.
Review: (If ______ wouldn’t (would not) _________) I wonder why Paul is so dressed up. He must have a job interview. A. You’re probably right. If he didn’t have a job interview, he wouldn’t be so dressed up.
Page 74 (If ______ wouldn’t (would not) _________) I wonder why Gary is so nervous. He must have an exam today. A. You’re probably right. If he didn’t have an exam today, he would be so nervous.
In class: Side by Side: Pages 74-75 #1-10
Hope-Clauses I I We we You hope you get They they a raise soon. He hopes he gets She she I hope it rains tomorrow. I hope it doesn’t rain tomorrow. I hope the weather is nice this weekend. I hope the weather isn’t bad this weekend.
Page 63 I hope it rains tomorrow. I hope it doesn’t rain tomorrow. Will our team win the game tomorrow? I hope so. I hope our team wins the game tomorrow. I hope so, too.
Page 63 Will the teacher give a quiz today? I hope not. I hope the teacher doesn’t give a quiz today. I hope not, too.
Page 63 Will I get the job? I hope so. _______________________ I hope I get the job. I hope so, too.
Page 63 2. Will the cake be burnt? _______________________ I hope the cake doesn’t burnt. I hope not, too.
In class: Side by Side: Page 68 #1-8 Page 69 #1 - 4
Go back and Review ALL Present Real (If ____ Will) Present Unreal (If ____Would) Hope-Clauses
Page 77 You DECIDE: What would you do if you saw a bad accident? My answer: If I saw a bad accident, I would call 911.
In class: SbS Page 77 #1-8 (Due end of class)
WIP – 10 minutes What would you do with the money if you won a million dollars on a TV game show?