Reclassification Procedures 1
Review the Reclassification Criteria 2
Reclassification Data Drop Guide Created to help school-site EL Designees determine reclassification opportunities Students should be reclassified as soon as they are eligible Handout 5 3
Gr. 6-9 Reclassification Criteria Overall CELDT score of 4 or 5 and - Scores of 3 or higher in Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing CELDT Student has demonstrated grade level proficiency as evidenced by a final grade of C or better in a: 6-8 th ELA course, 9 th A-G ELA course, LTEL Course (Advanced ELD or Literacy and Language) Teacher Evaluation Student has demonstrated basic grade level skills on the SRI by achieving a score of BASIC, PROFICIENT, or ADVANCED. Basic Skills Assessment Parent Consultation and Notification Parent Consultation 4
Gr Reclassification Criteria Overall CELDT score of 4 or 5 and - Scores of 3 or higher in Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing CELDT Student has demonstrated grade level proficiency as evidenced by a final grade of C or better in a A-G English course, or LTEL Course (Advanced ELD or Literacy and Language) Teacher Evaluation Student has demonstrated basic grade level skills on the SRI by achieving a score of BASIC, PROFICIENT, or ADVANCED. Basic Skills Assessment Parent Consultation and Notification Parent Consultation 5
Print the Ready to Reclassify Roster Print the Ready to Reclassify Roster before reclassifying All students appearing in this roster have met the reclassification criteria and need to be reclassified immediately Keep the Ready to Reclassify Roster within the reclassification binder (as documentation)
MiSiS Mass Reclassification Screen 7
Reclassification Process 1. Print the Ready to Reclassify Roster 2. Reclassify eligible students using the mass reclassification process 3. Print reclassification letter and send to parent 4. Print reclassification label and affix to CUM jacket 5. File signed reclassification letter in Master Plan Folder
Running the Ready to Reclassify Roster
Reclassify: Mass Reclassification Process
Printing Reclassification Letter
Parent Notification Requirement Print the reclassification letter from MiSiS Principal signs letter Photocopy letters to keep on file Send home to parents for their signature Three attempts must be made to obtain parent signature – Annotate the attempts on the letter (or copy of the letter) File letter in the blue Master Plan Folder Enter parent notification date in MiSiS 2/10/14 1 st attempt 2/15/14 2 nd attempt 2/20/14 phone call Mrs. Principal Sra. Familia
Printing Reclassification Label
English Proficiency Test Label Initial English Language Test CELDT (2001 and later) Primary Language Proficiency Test LAS Español/ LAS Links BINL (other primary languages) Reclassification Label Secondary 14
Remove LAU Labels Remove LAU label from the CUM jacket when student reclassifies; write “ RFEP ” and date. RFEP 6/5/14 15
Reports>CALPADS>ELAS Report ELAS Report
Annual Parent Notification Requirement For ELs who were enrolled in the district the previous school year, parental notification must be provided no later than 30 calendar days after the beginning of the school year/track. The annual notification process applies to continuing EL students only. 17
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