Local Police- local jurisdiction 3 Main responsibilities: 1.Law Enforcement- investigate crimes, make arrests, appear in court 2.Community Patrol- traffic, animal, medical, mentally ill 3. Keep order- resolve disputes and conflict Tredyffrrin Township detective, patrol, and traffic safety units
State Police- state jurisdiction Patrol all state (476) and federal highways (i95) Provide services for municipalities without full-time local police departments 85% of PA land area with only 19% of the police officers in the state. Units- forensics, collision analysis, fraud, amber alert, liquor control, polygraph, K-9, clandestine lab response, hazardous device, computer crime
Federal Law Enforcement Agencies- federal jurisdiction
AgencyDepartmentFunction US Marshal’s Service JusticeProtect federal courts, find fugitives FBIJusticeAll federal criminals, intelligence on terrorist threats, Native American reservation crimes DEAJusticeFederal drug investigations, shares power w/FBI IRSTreasuryCollect federal tax revenue, enforce tax laws ATFJusticeAlcohol, tobacco, and firearms (and explosives) US Secret Service JusticeProvide protection, counterfeiting, look for most wanted CIAIndependentNational security, gather intelligence, covert operations