NASA/NSSDC Report to MOIMS DAI/IPR Plenary 16 January 2007 Colorado Springs, USA
NASA/NSSDC Report to MOIMS DAI/IPR Plenary 2 NSSDC - Internal NSSDC ‘legacy 9-track tape’ migration Production handling still not underway Attempted to migrate 6 data collections Errors found both in validation procedures and in historical databases Full extent of % of data collections that will require special handling is not yet known. NSSDC is re-engineering Curation Scientist interface in support of data ingest Working Preliminary Phase attributes and Formal Phase attributes in close collaboration with our Space Physics and Planetary scientists Main negotiation is about level of effort required, such as justifying need for every attribute to be entered NSSDC continues leadership (Jim Thieman) of SPASE (Space Physics Archive Search and Extract) Data model document version 1.1 released Version 1.2 under development: see NSSDC continues participation (Don Sawyer) in ‘Archive Certification’ task force New version or RLG/NARA document to be released this week Will participate in CCSDS/ISO certification BoF NSSDC underwent major review (external group) of its program Positive response; currently expect a flat budget in FY 07
NASA/NSSDC Report to MOIMS DAI/IPR Plenary 3 NSSDC-Internal-2 NSSDC continues registration of data descriptions ADIDs being assigned for all legacy tape-based data collections undergoing migration NSSDC/WDC-SI continues Spacecraft ID registrations for CCSDS Secretariat NSSDC is planning a Science Archives Workshop for late April Focus on NASA’s Space Physics, Planetary, and Astrophysics disciplines Promote inter-archive communication and best practices
NASA/NSSDC Report to MOIMS DAI/IPR Plenary 4 Standards Conferences and Workshops JPL hosted NASA Technical Interchange Meeting : NASA input to IPR XML Schema Registries and Repositories effort Integration of newest version of XFDU Toolkit Libraries into PDS data servers Extraction of PDS label and catalog data for visibility in the XFDU Future of XFDU testbed and potential integration with SRB NASA held pre-Colorado Springs standards meetings Reviewed preparations, expected results, etc. Met with key participants in Constellation program to offer standards support Lou Reich and Steve Hughes presented DAI,IPR,IA and XSG Gave a talk at Digital Library Federation Fall Forum 2006, Boston, Massachusetts Lou presented “Implementing OAIS Information Packages and Producer-Archive Agreements ”
NASA/NSSDC Report to MOIMS DAI/IPR Plenary 5 Standards Development -1 GSFC DAI/IPR standards funding support IPR: NASA/GSFC data standards/Madeline Butler NARA-NASA research proposal renewed for FY 07 DAI: NSSDC NARA-NASA research proposal renewed for FY 07 DAI SIP/PAIS Standard Critiqued SIP/PAIS White Book 4 and 5 Provided partial draft of SIP/PAIS Red Book via cut/paste from White Book 5 Numerous exchanges with CNES editor OAIS 5-year review Collected comments for review
NASA/NSSDC Report to MOIMS DAI/IPR Plenary 6 Standards Development -2 IPR - XFDU XFDU Red Book submitted for CESG/MC approval to go for formal review CESG has approved XFDU Green Book-Draft material to be refined at IPR WG Completed extensive XFDU/SIP mapping paper leading to a l best practice on XFDU Extension(support from GAEL) XML Guidelines Continued work on URN RFC to IANA Asked for advice on registration procedures for SCPS- TP extensions Recommended review of Spacecraft ID procedures as possible template Draft SCPS-TP extension registration procedures document has been received Also forwarded to SANA