Allegory – an extended metaphor in which a person, abstract idea, or event stands for itself and for something else It usually involves moral or spiritual concepts which are more significant than the actual story. Examples Milton’s Paradise Lost George Orwell’s Animal Farm Parody – a humorous or satirical imitation of a person, event, or serious work of literature designed to ridicule in nonsensical fashion or to criticize by clever duplication The Nun’s Priest Prologue and Tale
With the treatment and role of women being an important theme throughout The Canterbury Tales, explain why it’s appropriate that Chaucer would tell this tale. Explain how the Nun’s Priest’s Tale fits the requirements for a beast fable.
“Woman is man’s joy” (Page 159) Reference to Adam and Eve (Page 161) False flatterers (Page 162) Fortune (Page 164)
Classwork This tale could be looked at as a parody or an allegory. With your group, take a stance and back up your position with examples from the book.