Fiction vs. Non-Fiction Fiction Make believe It can be based on a real story Character act like real people Story could happen in real life Character tries to solve a problem Non-Fiction Characters are real people, are real settings real places, and the plot is comprised of real events presented in a form of story. Story includes thoughts and feeling the author imagines the character might have had.
Fiction Make believe It can be based on a real story The character act like real people Story that could happen in real life Character tries to solve problem
o Animal characters act like people o Characters may have special power o Imaginary characters o Setting may be in another time (future) o Usually a good vs. evil o May use science not yet discovered Fantasy
o Stories that offers an explanation of how something in nature looks or happens o A story that explains why people act as they do o The characters may be human, or gods or goddesses Myth
The stories are very short Stories usually have two or three characters The characters may be animals or things that act like people Teach a “lesson” or moral Fable
Characters solve problems in a futuristic setting in anywhere in the universe Human, extraterrestrials, or members of other species Involve the effects of advanced science and technology Science Fiction
Biography An account of a real person’s life written by some one else