Charting a Course for the Future: A Wisconsin Perspective Kevin McLeod University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Department of Mathematical Sciences MSP STEM Summit Washington, D.C. December 12, 2007
Presentation outline Background on Milwaukee and the Milwaukee Mathematics Partnership Wisconsin licensure and UW-M teacher preparation programs UW-M Mathematics Focus courses Questions and Challenges
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Milwaukee Mathematics Partnership (MMP) Core partners: o University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) o Milwaukee Area Technical College (MATC) o Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS)
UW-Milwaukee One of two public doctoral research universities in Wisconsin Over students 13% of new freshmen are MPS graduates Degrees/certifies 65% of MPS teachers
Milwaukee Area Technical College Largest Midwest 2- year technical college 57,000 students at 4 campuses (13,400 FTEs) 21% of new freshmen are MPS graduates
Milwaukee Public Schools 93,000 students in 218 schools Largest school district in Wisconsin 27th largest district in the nation Nearly 6200 teachers 87% minority student population: 58% African American, 20% Hispanic, 13% White, 5% Asian, 1% Native American 75% receive free or reduced lunch Student achievement is well below state averages; gaps persist for all subgroups (Source: MPS Report Card)
UWM/MATC Mathematics Faculty Involvement with MMP Activities Mathematics course design teams Monthly Teacher Leader meetings Writing and validating learning targets for grades K-8 Validating Classroom Assessments Based on Standards for grades 2-8 College placement test preparation materials Accelerated/intensive sections of remedial college math courses Summer bridge program
Wisconsin Teacher Licenses Early Childhood (ECE, Birth-age 8) Middle Childhood through Early Adolescence (MCEA, grades 1-8) Early Adolescence through Adolescence (EAA, grades 6-12)
UWM MCEA Program Structure Required of all MCEA students: 2 content area minors, 18 semester-hours each Option A: Mathematics or Natural Sciences Option B: Social Studies or English/Language Arts or Bilingual/ESL/World Languages
The Mathematical Education of Teachers (MET) Report Joint publication of the American Mathematical Society and the Mathematical Association of America, 2001 Recommends coursework for prospective teachers at elementary grades, middle grades, and high school
MET Report Recommendations Prospective middle grades teachers of mathematics should be required to take at least 21 semester-hours of mathematics, that includes at least 12 semester-hours on fundamental ideas of school mathematics appropriate for middle grades teachers. CBMS. (2001). The Mathematical Education of Teachers.
MET Report Recommendations Prospective middle grades teachers of mathematics should take coursework in: Number and Operations Algebra and Functions Measurement and Geometry Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability (Optionally) Calculus, focusing on concepts and applications CBMS. (2001). The Mathematical Education of Teachers.
UWM Mathematics Focus Area Courses for MCEA Majors Problem Solving Geometry Discrete Probability and Statistics Algebraic Structures Calculus Experience
Prospective teachers need mathematics courses that develop a deep understanding of the mathematics that they teach. The mathematical education of teachers should be seen as a partnership between mathematics faculty and mathematics education faculty. There needs to be more collaboration between mathematics faculty and school mathematics teachers. MET Report Recommendations
Design Team Philosophy for Pre-service Courses Mathematics faculty provide rigorous mathematics content. Mathematics education faculty focus on mathematical knowledge for teaching. Classroom teachers (Teacher-in- residence) make connections to classroom practice.
Teachers-in-Residence Experienced teachers from the Milwaukee Public Schools. On special assignment at the university. Link academic teacher preparation and urban classroom practice. Align teacher preparation and K-12 reform initiatives.
MPS Mathematics Fellows Program MCEA minor offered to practicing MPS teachers, over 15 months 53 teachers enrolled in at least one course 27 completed at least 4 courses 10 completed 4 focus courses, Intermediate Algebra, and Calculus
Questions and Challenges How can teachers acquire the content knowledge they require to teach mathematics? How can STEM faculty contribute to this process? o Especially in-service teachers o Especially middle-grades teachers o Graduate credit in mathematics for middle-grades teachers?
MMP website DeAnn Huinker Kevin McLeod