Corn :B By Mel Ali And Sophie Eisenbud
How is corn used???? Cereal, peanut butter, snack foods, sodas Vitamin and amino acids Fuel alcohol makes gasoline burn cleaner, reducing air pollution and it doesn’t pollute water!!!
AND?!?!?!? Corn plastic is earth friendly foam that is biodegradable Packing peanuts, wall paper, toothpaste, and an alternative source of gasoline called Ethanol.
AND?!?!?!?!!?! Takes more energy to make ethanol from corn then to make regular gasoline. To make one tank of gas for a SUV, is the equivalent of corn that can feed one person for a year. Corn is being grown with more pesticides and ending up in the streams and rivers.
Ethanol is more environmental friendly, but cancels itself out with the amount of corn that we used. Over growth of corn causes deforestation in many forests including the Amazon Rainforest. Growing can corn harm the environment?
Cultural Effects!!!!!! Corn productions in Mexico are rising 10 million tons of corn are imported annually Demand for corn is going up Prices of corn rising because of demand More land → Deforestation in Mexico!!!!!!! >:o
AND?!?!?!?! Mexican’s rely on the profit from selling corn for livelihood. Cheaper genetically grown corn in America is causing Mexican’s to lose their homes. Corn is the reason why there are immigration problems in America.
Our Solutions :D Use less pesticides to grow corn Use other resources to make Ethanol such as, cotton, paper waste, potatoes, sugar beets, sugar cane, barley, and Jerusalem artichokes. Let’s save the world while we have one