The School Inspectorate of Botoşani County ROMANIA 28, Nicolae Iorga Street, phone/ fax:
THE STRUCTURE OF THE SCHOOL INSPECTORATE The Schoolo Inspectorate of Botosani County has the following structure and competence: a)Management: The School Inspector General aided by 2 Deputy Inspectors General are in charge of managing the institution b) A number of 22 school inspectors in charge of various departments carry the role of monitoring and control, counseling and evaluation as follows:
General Issues : Schooling and school attendance for students; In-service training and professional development for teachers; Educational activities ; School records; Labour protection ; management.
School subject-related matters: The teaching and learning process with its three main constitutive elements: conception (observing the school curricula and curricular recommendations and school planning) Accomplishment (the progress of the instruction process) evaluation (progress, summative assessment,etc)
Specific matters : assessment of teachers’ activity towards achieving higher teaching degrees, working climate and relationships in schools, finding solution to complaints, all actions necessary to achieving school-targeted goals and objectives.
ROLE The School Inspectorate of Botosani County is a subordinate institution of the Romanian Ministry of National Education; Organised at the county level, in specific departments, it aims at achieving the school education goals and objectives stated by the National Law of Education.
ROLE The activity carried by The School Inspectorate is entirely based on the stipulations of the National Law of Education, on statutes issued by the Romanian Government and on all legal documents issued by the Ministry of Education.
ROLE It ensures and stimulates, as stipulated by the law, the descentralisation of the subordinate school, by providing the strategies at the county level.
ROLE It provides and enforces the laws, the school curriculum, the analytical programs and other normative acts issued by the Ministry of Education, in the organisation, management and conduct of the teaching process.
ROLE It organises and directs the professional training and development for teaching and non-teaching stuff, pedagogical research and other information and development activities conducted in school education. Thus it coordinates the activity of «Casa Corpului Didactic » and of other school organisations and cooperates with higher education institutions in the field of professional development.
ROLE It analyses teachers’ activity and encourages and stimulates their scientific research, and production of practical, instructional and methodological resources, etc.
ROLE The School Inspectorate is in charge of all schools (state and private) i.e. 124 schools. The School Inspectorate of Botosani County is a legal person.
The School Inspectorate of Botosani County collaborates with the local authorities, the The Institute of Educational Science, Universities and other higher education institutions.
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