SUNNYSIDE ATTENDANCE POLICY Jordine Lucero Barbara Miranda Daniela Luzanilla
Attendance Policy You have forty-eight hours to have an excused absence for when the student returns back to school. If you are absent and it’s unexcused your parents will be aware and your parents have to take corrective action. They believe that you should be absent once but ONLY if necessary.
Truancy Laws As a parent, they are required to ensure the child to be in school everyday, while school is in session. The truancy law means an unexcused absence for at least one class period during the day, and an unexcused absence for at least five school days within a school year. Failure to ensure your child to attend school is a criminal offense and subjects to a fine of a thirty day in the Pima County Jail.
Unexcused Absences The district action on an unexcused absence on a single period: Third unexcused absence: The school and teachers will make a phone call or a visit to your parents. Truancy information and related legal statutes will be provided to the parents. Fifth unexcused absence: You get a referral. You will have to have a behavior modification resourses.