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Presentation transcript:

November SLS AREA REPORT November 2004


November SLS-RFM - RF & Modulation WG 2.SLS-C&S – Coding & Synchronisation WG 3.SLS-DC – Data Compression WG 4.SLS-SLP – Space Link Protocols WG 5.SLS-TCC – Telecommand Channel Coding WG 6.SLS-RNG – Ranging WG 7.SLS-Prox-1 Build-2 WG 8.SLS-LEC - Long Erasure Codes BOF 9.SLS-LDPC - New Codes BOF A.LIST OF CURRENT WGs AND BOFs WITHIN AREA SLS AREA REPORT

November B.SUMMARY TECHNICAL STATUS 1.SLS-RFM WG Goal: align B with WRC-03, SFCG-23 and SFCG-24 Working Group Status: Active Working Group Summary Situation: Working Group Summary progress: 13 revised recs + 2 editorial recs generated in October; Agency review on 24 recommendations completed 1 st Dec; Agreed way forward to resolve deadlock on recommendation found. White drafted in accordance with SFCG 14-3R6 to remain white until after SFCG-25 meeting in October 2005; status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM comment:Good progress SLS AREA REPORT

November B.SUMMARY TECHNICAL STATUS 1.SLS-RFM WG Working Group Summary progress: small number of revised recommendations expected in Spring 2005, following on-going simulation results and joint RFM-C&S WGs meeting. Problems and Issues: Requirement to await SFCG-25 completion before finalizing white to avoid same problems of current  need to delay WG termination date from August 2005 to end of November Green Book containing Earth station characteristics (411.0-G-3) dated May 1997 does not reflect current capabilities and may mislead users. Updating it is a difficult and time-consuming job requiring a senior person with intimate technical knowledge of Earth station equipment design. NASA/JPL maintained it in the past. SLS AREA REPORT

November B.SUMMARY TECHNICAL STATUS 2.SLS-C&S: Coding & Synchronization WG (1) Goal: - Issue TM Channel Coding GB - Review and issue an Orange Book on NASA experience with Low Density Parity Check Codes ASIC Development. Working Group Status: Active Working Group Summary Situation: Working Group Summary progress: Draft Book delivered by NASA/GSFC. status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM comment: Scope of the Orange Book undefined SLS AREA REPORT

November B.SUMMARY TECHNICAL STATUS 2.SLS-C&S: Coding & Synchronization WG (2) Problems and Issues: Telemetry Channel Coding Green Book could not be published for reasons of formating problems (see D. Other Issues & Concerns, Issue 1) Scope of the Orange Book WG mainly discussed the Orange Book as per MoMs held at University of Maryland. WG is awaiting NASA’s reply to CMC-S04-A25 to proceed (or not) with the Orange Book. SLS AREA REPORT

November Data compression WG Goal: Specify an image compression algorithm fulfilling identified space mission requirements Develop a subsequent recommendation together with the supporting information (performances, usage, reference software, etc …). Working Group Status: Active Working Group Summary Situation: status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM comment:Red-1 under review, green book : work in progress SLS AREA REPORT

November Data compression WG (cnt’d) Working Group Summary progress: Red book issue 1 has been finalized : all pending algorithmic details have been decided upon; Red-1 under review till dec. 1st, first RIDs received were disposed of at this meeting; Green book is being assembled; editing leadership has been splitted among WG members; target : BB & GB available at the same date (cf. planning); Cross verification of recommendation being done through 4 independent SW implementations + 1 HW implementation; One of these will be chosen as reference software, needed for : - compliance testing, performance evaluation. SLS AREA REPORT

November Data compression WG (cnt’d) Problems and Issues: WG decides to strictly separate compression and data transport issues. Synchronization markers will not be provided by the compression rec. : for bitstream oriented services, it will be up to the users to insert synchronization marker aligned with each compressed segment. reference software should be part of the final recommendation, therefore it is desirable that it is available from the CCSDS website together with the BB, as an open source software with appropriate S/W license. SLS AREA REPORT

November Data compression WG (cnt’d) Revised planning : Complete GREEN BOOK draft March, 2005 Complete S/W cross-verification March, 2005 Dispose RED BOOK-1 RIDS, Apr, 2005 Issue RED BOOK-2, July, 2005 Release reference S/W, October, 2005 Issue GREEN BOOK, October, 2005 Issue BLUE BOOK, October, 2005 SLS AREA REPORT

November B.SUMMARY TECHNICAL STATUS 4.SLS-SLP WG Goal: - Adapt, Adopt, and Create link layer Protocols for space data systems - Develop Link Layer Green Books for CCSDS Link Layer Protocols Working Group Status: Active Working Group Summary Situation: Working Group Summary progress: Produced Pink Sheet to Space Link Identifiers Blue Book to add Prox-1 Port ID Values Reviewing the Draft Proximity-1 Space Link Protocol GB. Recommend that the Secretariat publish the Space Link Protocols GB and the Space Data Link Protocol GB status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM comment:Work in progress SLS AREA REPORT

November B.SUMMARY TECHNICAL STATUS 4.SLS-SLP WG Problems and Issues: Pink sheets for AOS Link Layer Protocol (increase in AOS frame sequence count) approved for release by CMC (Spring’04) but still not published for agency review. RED-2 Version of Encapsulation Packet Service approved by CESG (Spring’04) but no CMC decision. SLS AREA REPORT

November B.SUMMARY TECHNICAL STATUS 5.SLS-TCC: Telecommand Channel Coding WG Goal: Development of a Telecommand Channel Coding Green Book. Working Group Status: Active Working Group Summary Situation: Working Group Summary progress: First Draft Book delivered by ESA Editor for commenting within the WG. status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM comment: WG restarted with ESA resources & NASA contribution. SLS AREA REPORT

November B.SUMMARY TECHNICAL STATUS 6.RNG WG Goal: issue blue book on novel ranging techniques Working Group Status: Active Working Group Summary Situation: Working Group Summary progress: Agency review on delta-DOR recommendation completed; Independent theoretical analysis and simulation results on most regenerative PN ranging specs available from two Agencies; Four (+one) different ranging schemes identified as possible candidates for regeneration; status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM comment:Good progress SLS AREA REPORT

November B.SUMMARY TECHNICAL STATUS 6.RNG WG Working Group Summary progress (cont.): Preliminary hardware results on a subset of the four options available from one Agency; White book (Issue 1) to be issued by July 2005 is being written with focus on regenerative PN codes; Transparent PN codes will be addressed after WB issue 1 is out. Problems and Issues: None so far. SLS AREA REPORT

November B.SUMMARY TECHNICAL STATUS 7.Prox-1-Build-2 WG Goal: Update the Proximity-1 Space Link (3) books to be in sync with the first generation of Prox-1 spacecraft Working Group Status: Active Working Group Summary Situation: The only remaining item in this WG, is to resolve the following physical layer requirements: 1) data rate offset, 2) short term data rate stability, 3) long term data rate stability. Working Group Summary progress: Pink Sheets created for Prox-1 Physical Layer BB to cover those three requirements above. Problems and Issues: None status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM comment: Work in progress SLS AREA REPORT

November B.SUMMARY TECHNICAL STATUS 8.SLS-LEC: Long Erasure Codes (‘tornado codes’) BOF Goal: Make, if conclusive, a proposal for the creation of a WG on application of long erasure-correction codes. Working Group Status: Active Working Group Summary Situation: Working Group Summary progress: Input provided by ESA/ESOC/UniBO. Problems and Issues: NASA/JPL did not contribute to this meeting (because of – now solved- funding issues) but report readiness to collaborate for Spring 2005 Meeting. status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM comment: ESA/UniBO work in progress NASA/JPL contribution on hold SLS AREA REPORT

November B.SUMMARY TECHNICAL STATUS 9.SLS- LDPCC: New Codes BOF (part 1) Goal: Identify Requirements for future codes and possibly select a family of Codes according to identified requirements. Working Group Status: Active Working Group Summary Situation: status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM comment: Identification & agreement on requirements still slow and difficult Proposals still diverging in approach wrt to tentative requirements from Spring‘04 SLS AREA REPORT

November B.SUMMARY TECHNICAL STATUS 9.SLS- LDPCC: New Codes BOF (part 2) Working Group Summary progress: Valuable input on requirements provided at this meeting. New input on possible candidate codes provided at this meeting. Problems and Issues: Extremely limited interaction between meetings likely to delay convergence of the work. Identification of requirements and evaluation criteria still variegated and needing harmonization in single document to be possibly approved by all members. Possible debate on some requirements can be anticipated. Codes proposed by members for standardization and/or reference still missing an harmonized approach. SLS AREA REPORT

November B.SUMMARY TECHNICAL STATUS 9.SLS- LDPCC: New Codes BOF (part 3) Plan of Action Decided at SLS Plenary (1): The discussion highlighted the need of identifying and approving requirements in stronger and more formal way. ESA/ESOC/UniBO is leading the Editing work for a Requirements and Evaluation Criteria Document (RECD) (with weighting factor) for approval by Agencies. RECD will include rationale for each requirement. 1 st issue RECD shall be distributed by 10 January It shall provide a preliminary list of requirements/rationale and evaluation criteria for at least 3 application profiles: High rate EES TM, Deep space TM and Near Earth science TM. Comments to 1 st issue RECD by by 31 January Telecon if necessary. 2 nd issue RECD distributed 15 Feb Comments to 2 nd issue RECD 15 March – any later comment will be discarded. (Agencies will be asked to “sign up” or ‘deny” individual items by revision/discussion by 15 March 2005). 3 rd (tentative final) issue RECD distributed 25 March SLS AREA REPORT

November B.SUMMARY TECHNICAL STATUS 9.SLS- LDPCC: New Codes Codes BOF (part 4) Plan of Action Decided at SLS Plenary (2): SLS-LDPCC Spring 2005 Meeting ( April 2005) will be dedicated to addressing not closed comments to 2 nd issue and finalising the RECD. Approval of RECD by agencies subsequent to Spring’05 meeting. Upon approval of RECD, agencies will be invited to submit proposals (codes) together with compliance matrix to RECD. Codes proposals to be discussed at Fall’05 meeting SLS AREA REPORT

November A.Issue 1 Secure Communications Joint SLS Area – Security WG held 18 November  SLS Area work in the domain of security to start once needs are established  Careful security analysis is needed prior to adopting recommendations with high cost impact  Two resolutions  Res : Need for agencies interoperability needs on security measures to be confirmed  Res : Need for regular SLS – Security WG meetings C.CROSS-AREA TECHNICAL ISSUES SLS AREA REPORT

November D.OTHER ISSUES AND CONCERNS A.Issue 1 Secretarial Support SLS-DC Editorial support for producing books could be improved. Data Compression Red Book did not get any support for edition of technical material (e.g. graphics, equations, italicised symbols, numbering of paragraphs, …) SLS-RFM Pink sheets were not posted but mailed in corrupted file. Review closing date had to be extended. SLS-C&S BTAS having problems with “exotic” formats used by Coding people (i.e. Latex editor, eps pictures, etc.). TM Channel Coding GB could not be published. SLS-SLP Pink sheets for AOS Link Layer Protocol approved for agency review by CMC at Spring’04 meeting still not published SLS AREA REPORT

November E.PROPOSED RESOLUTIONS AND ACTIONS FOR CESG/CMC APPROVAL RESOLUTION 1 : SLS-RFM-R Considering that: 1.The following 23 editorially revised recommendations were subject to Agency review: 2.1.8B, 2.2.4, 2.2.6, 2.3.3A, 2.4.6, 2.4.7, 2.4.9, A, B, A B, , 3.1.1, 3.1.6B, 3.2.1A, 3.3.1, 3.3.2A, 3.6.2A, 4.1.5, 4.2.1, 4.2.2, and 5.1. And recognizing that: 1.No RIDs were received during the first review period 2.Review was extended until 1 st Dec upon request from one agency The SLS Area resolves that: Upon closure of review and disposition of Rids, these 23 recommendations be raised to blue status and inserted in ACTION ITEM 1: SLS-RFM-A Upon closure of review and disposition of Rids, SLS AD to request CESG/CMC to approve insertion of the 23 above mentioned editorially revised recommendations in blue book [January 2005] SLS AREA REPORT

November E.PROPOSED RESOLUTIONS AND ACTIONS FOR CESG/CMC APPROVAL RESOLUTION 2 : SLS-RFM-R Considering that: 1.Revised recommendation was subject to Agency review; And recognizing that: 1.One RID was received during the review period, discussed during the Fall 2004 meeting, and disposed of 2.Review was extended until 1 st Dec upon request of one agency The SLS Area resolves that: Upon closure of review and disposition of Rids, revised recommendation be raised to blue status and inserted in ACTION ITEM 2: SLS-RFM-A Upon closure of review and disposition of Rids, SLS AD to request CESG/CMC to approve insertion of revised recommendation into blue book [January 2005] SLS AREA REPORT

November E.PROPOSED RESOLUTIONS AND ACTIONS FOR CESG/CMC APPROVAL RESOLUTION 3 : SLS-RFM-R Considering that: 1.The following 13 revised recommendations were agreed upon during the Fall 2004 meeting: 2.1.3B, 2.1.4B, 2.1.7B, 2.3.2, 2.3.3A, 2.3.3B, 2.3.4A, 2.3.4B, 2.4.6, B, B, 3.1.2B, 3.3.3A. And recognizing that: 1.Proposed revisions are to bring such ‘old’ recommendations in line with current CCSDS agencies’ practice The SLS Area resolves that: these 13 recommendations be raised to pink status and be submitted for Agency review ACTION ITEM 3: SLS-RFM-A CESG/CMC to approve initiation of Agency review for the above mentioned 13 revised recommendations [Dec 2004] ACTION ITEM 4: SLS-RFM-A CCSDS secretariat to issue the 13 pink sheets for agency review [15 Jan 2005] SLS AREA REPORT

November E.PROPOSED RESOLUTIONS AND ACTIONS FOR CESG/CMC APPROVAL RESOLUTION 4 : SLS-RFM-R Considering that: 1.Minor editorial changes to recommendations and were agreed upon during the Fall 2004 meeting. And recognizing that: 1.Submitting editorial changes to Agency review is an unnecessary waste of already constrained Agency resources The SLS Area resolves that: editorially revised recommendations and be raised to blue status and inserted in ACTION ITEM 5: SLS-RFM-A CESG/CMC to approve direct insertion of the 2 above mentioned editorially revised recommendations in blue book [Dec 2004] ACTION ITEM 6: SLS-RFM-A CCSDS secretariat to insert recs and into book [15 Jan 2005] SLS AREA REPORT

November E.PROPOSED RESOLUTIONS AND ACTIONS FOR CESG/CMC APPROVAL RESOLUTION 5 : SLS-RFM-R Considering that: 1.The Green Book containing Earth station characteristics (411.0-G-3) dated May 1997 does not reflect current capabilities and may mislead users. 2.The document represents a resource used by many organizations planning new missions. In the past, NASA/JPL provided the book captain function and would consider doing so again, provided that the necessary funds were made available. The SLS Area resolves that: CESG/CMC be alerted about status of G-3 so that necessary resources are made available within an organization to update it. ACTION ITEM 7: SLS-RFM-A CESG/CMC to consider obtaining necessary resources within an appropriate organization to update G. [Dec 2004] SLS AREA REPORT

November E.PROPOSED RESOLUTIONS AND ACTIONS FOR CESG/CMC APPROVAL RESOLUTION 6 : SLS-RFM-R Considering that: 1.A very difficult situation with recommendation is being solved by a white written along the lines of SFCG recommendation 14-3R6; 2.Such SFCG rec is up for final approval at SFCG-25 (October 2005); 3.The activities of the RFM WG are due by August 2005 And recognizing that: 1.Present problems with current are in the inconsistencies with SFCG which could be again the case with new white version The SLS Area resolves that: the RFM WG schedule be extended until end of November ACTION ITEM 8: SLS-RFM-A CESG/CMC to agree on RFM WG 3-months schedule extension. SLS AREA REPORT

November E.PROPOSED RESOLUTIONS AND ACTIONS FOR CESG/CMC APPROVAL RESOLUTION 7 : SLS-DC-R Considering that: 1.Reference software is essential to: Enable “prospect” missions teams to evaluate CCSDS algorithm performances for real mission data Later, to enable implementation compliance with published recommendation And recognizing that: 1.Caution should be taken w.r.t. hosting on the CCSDS site software which are subject to IPR from a company The AREA resolves that: Open source reference software be made available to users ACTION ITEM 9: SLS-DC-A CESG to investigate hosting open-source reference software at CCSDS website but with license agreement with the software originator SLS AREA REPORT

November E.PROPOSED RESOLUTIONS AND ACTIONS FOR CESG/CMC APPROVAL RESOLUTION 8 : SLS-DC-R Considering that: 1.Data Compression Red Book is currently under review and Green Book under preparation And recognizing that: 1.Current charter foresees BB & GB issued July Reference software should be made available at the same time as BB and GB The AREA resolves that: Data Compression WG charter be updated to reflect the actual plan ACTION ITEM 10: SLS-DC-A CESG to update Data Compression WG operating plan based on the new schedule (plans) envisioned for completing RED-2, GREEN BOOK, BLUE BOOK and reference software. SLS AREA REPORT

November E.PROPOSED RESOLUTIONS AND ACTIONS FOR CESG/CMC APPROVAL RESOLUTION 9 : SLS-RNG-R Considering that: 1.Revised recommendation 2.5.6B was subject to Agency review; 2.No RIDs were received during the review period; 3.Revisions to 2.5.6B stem from current and future delta-DOR practices by ESA and NASA And recognizing that: 1.No other CCSDS Agencies are currently supporting delta-DOR activities The SLS Area resolves that: revised rec 2.5.6B be raised to blue status and inserted in ACTION ITEM 11: SLS-RNG-A CESG/CMC to approve insertion of revised recommendation 2.5.6B in blue book [Dec 2004]. ACTION ITEM 12: SLS-RNG-A CCSDS secretariat to insert rec 2.5.6B into book [15 Jan 2005] SLS AREA REPORT

November E.PROPOSED RESOLUTIONS AND ACTIONS FOR CESG/CMC APPROVAL RESOLUTION 10: SLS-SLP-R Considering that: 1.HW commands, Packets, and user defined data will be interchanged between inter-agency spacecraft in proximity And recognizing that: 1.There is a need for a standardized way to route these data types between inter-agency spacecraft in proximity The SLS Area resolves that: Pink Sheets to Space Link Identifiers BB be provided to add Prox-1 Port ID values for interoperability ACTION ITEM 13: SLS-SLP-A CESG/CMC to approve the release of Pink Sheets for agency review [Dec 2004] ACTION ITEM 14: SLS-SLP-A CCSDS Secretariat to issue Pink Sheets for agency review [31 Jan 2005] SLS AREA REPORT

November E.PROPOSED RESOLUTIONS AND ACTIONS FOR CESG/CMC APPROVAL RESOLUTION 11: SLS-Prox-1 Build2-R Considering that: 1.Prox-1 Data Rate offset and short and long term rate stability requirements need to be addressed in the spec. And recognizing that: 1.Without such requirements, implementations may not be able to acquire at the specified Prox-1 data rates The AREA resolves that: Pink Sheets to Prox-1 Physical Layer BB be provided for Agency Review to address data rate offset and stability requirements. ACTION ITEM 15: SLS-Prox-1 Build2-A CESG/CMC to approve the release of Pink Sheets for agency review [Dec 2004] ACTION ITEM 16: SLS-Prox-1 Build2-A CCSDS Secretariat to issue Pink Sheets for agency review [31 Jan 2005] SLS AREA REPORT

November E.PROPOSED RESOLUTIONS AND ACTIONS FOR CESG/CMC APPROVAL RESOLUTION 12 : SLS-SLP-R Considering that: 1.Both the Space Link Protocols GB and the Space Data Link Protocols GB have completed an informal Agency Review (been on the CCSDS web site for months) And recognizing that: 1.There are no constraints against their publication The AREA resolves that: Final Green books be provided to the CCSDS Secretariat for inclusion onto the CCSDS Web Site. ACTION ITEM 17: SLS-SLP-A Takahiro Yamada to provide both GBs to SLS-SLP WG chair by Dec. 15, 2004 ACTION ITEM 18: SLS-SLP-A CESG to approve the release of the 2 GBs [Dec 2004] ACTION ITEM 19: SLS-SLP-A CCSDS Secretariat to publish the GBs [31 Jan 2005] SLS AREA REPORT

November E.PROPOSED RESOLUTIONS AND ACTIONS FOR CESG/CMC APPROVAL RESOLUTION 13 : SLS-R Considering that: 1.Agencies are currently working on security measures for implementation in future space coms systems; 2.The Security WG is developing a GB on security measures and prepares to produce recommendations; And recognizing that: 1.Not all measures may need to be the object of interoperability; The SLS Area resolves that: interoperability needs on security measures (encryption, authentication, key management) be confirmed ACTION ITEM 20: SLS-A CESG/CMC to establish a policy on whether a common set of security measures should be included in the CCSDS interoperability work [Dec 2004] SLS AREA REPORT

November E.PROPOSED RESOLUTIONS AND ACTIONS FOR CESG/CMC APPROVAL RESOLUTION 14 : SLS-R Considering that: 1.The Security WG is developing a GB on security measures and prepares to produce recommendations; 2.Security measures may affect all layers of the ‘stack’; And recognizing that: 1.The Security WG needs the expert support from the SLS Area The SLS Area resolves that: joint SLS Area – Security WG meetings be held on a regular basis ACTION ITEM 21: SLS-A SLS AD and SE AD to agree on regular SLS – Security meetings [Nov 2004] SLS AREA REPORT