Positive Behavior Intervention and Support Today’s PBIS Topic: Responsible Attendance Guest Speaker: Ryker Chason Ready Respectful Responsible
PBIS on Attendance Ready Understand the legitimate reasons to miss school (sickness, court order, or religious) Respectful Support the School’s attendance policy. Only miss when absolutely necessary. Responsible Get the Absences Excused Make appointments to with your teachers to make up any missed work.
How is Attendance Taken at the High School? Attendance is taken each Block. Miss 15 min or more of a block = unexcused absence. Miss any 2 periods of the school day = absent that day.
Georgia State Rules on Attendance Georgia Board of Education Policy on Excused Absences Student absences from school shall be counted as excused under the following circumstances: 1. Personal illness or attendance at school would endanger the student’s health or the health of others; 2. A serious illness or death in the student’s immediate family necessitating absence from school; 3. Celebrating religious holidays observed by the student’s faith, necessitating absence from school; 4. A court order or an order by a governmental agency, including pre-induction physical examinations for service in the armed forces, mandating absence from school; 5. Conditions rendering school attendance impossible or hazardous to the student’s health or safety; 6. Registering to vote or voting in a public election (not to exceed one day) 7. Any absence that has prior written approval from the Principal. The Principal has the authority to require additional proof of the legitimacy of the excuse. For example, the Principal may require a doctor’s statements justifying the absence of the student, and may require proof that the child’s condition rendered the child incapable of attending school.
What does that mean? Basically, the only reasons you may be Excused from school are sickness, death, court order, or religious holidays.
You are Not Excused from school because of… 1.Flat tire 2.Overslept 3.Bad Hair day 4.No day care for child (or your child is sick) 5.Car engine troubles 6.No electricity, gas, or water 7.Anything other than those reasons listed by the State Department of Education in the previous slide
If Absent, What Should you Do? 1.Bacon County High School accepts 5-hand written, personal notes each semester. 2.All other absences must have professional documentation justifying the absence. - physician, dentist, psychiatrist, etc. excuse - dentist’s excuse - court order Get the Absence Excused
How Many Absences Are Allowed in a School Year? 5 Unexcused Absences – Letter to your parents. 8 Unexcused Absences – Parents warned that they Will be arrested if the student’s attendance does not improve and possible denial of credit. 10 Unexcused Absence – Department of Driver’s Services (DDS) revokes license and/or permit or prevents you from obtaining either for 1 year. Also law enforcement issue citation or arrest parents.
Learning From Past Mistakes A present senior at BCHS, Ryker Chason, is interviewed regarding his past attendance issues and their consequences. Click here for the Interview.
Other Info. About Absences 1.You must be present at school the day of an athletic event to participate in that event. 2.Out of School Suspension (OSS) is considered unexcused absence. Thus, counts towards losing your license.
How to Improve Attendance 1.Know the important dates. Put Holidays and non instructional days (teacher work days) into your electronic calendar or notebook. 2.Schedule appointments that are not health related (hair, nails, etc.) after school hours 3.Get involved in School Clubs, Sports, or Activities. Involvement = Relationships = Meaning & Value
PBIS on Attendance Ready Understand the legitimate reasons to miss school (sickness, court order, or religious) Respectful Support the School’s attendance policy. Only miss when absolutely necessary. Responsible Get the Absences Excused Make appointments to with your teachers to make up any missed work.