Warm up What does APD measure?What does APD measure? What does PPD measure?What does PPD measure? Remember to have your headphones and cell phones put away when the bell rings.Remember to have your headphones and cell phones put away when the bell rings.
Population Density Case Study: Japan
Objective I will be able to understand how population density impacts Japan.I will be able to understand how population density impacts Japan.
Tokyo Summerland Japanese Theme Park
Transportation Massive public transit systemMassive public transit system Bullet trainsBullet trains ‘Pushers’‘Pushers’ Millions of commuters, some ride the train for an hour and a halfMillions of commuters, some ride the train for an hour and a half Very few drivers/personal car useVery few drivers/personal car use No where to park!No where to park!
Housing Much of the country is not suitable for building homesMuch of the country is not suitable for building homes Many moved to the city in the 50s for more opportunity creating a housing shortageMany moved to the city in the 50s for more opportunity creating a housing shortage Family structure changed as a resultFamily structure changed as a result Used to live with 2 or 3 generations, now it’s single family homesUsed to live with 2 or 3 generations, now it’s single family homes Average home size in Tokyo is 170 square feet, average home size in Washington DC is 740 square feetAverage home size in Tokyo is 170 square feet, average home size in Washington DC is 740 square feet
Capsule Hotel
Land Use Space is limited so they build up instead of outSpace is limited so they build up instead of out Sky scrapersSky scrapers Volcanic activity used to limit the height but new technology has decreased the regulationsVolcanic activity used to limit the height but new technology has decreased the regulations Malls, parks, even zoos are built undergroundMalls, parks, even zoos are built underground Terracing – hillside rice farmingTerracing – hillside rice farming
Health Each person in Japan creates 2-3 lbs of waste a dayEach person in Japan creates 2-3 lbs of waste a day This creates a lot of pollutionThis creates a lot of pollution They have run out of places to put the trashThey have run out of places to put the trash Recycling is huge!Recycling is huge! More accidents happen in crowded areasMore accidents happen in crowded areas Diseases spread more quicklyDiseases spread more quickly However, they are very health conscious (face masks) and have strict environmental regulationsHowever, they are very health conscious (face masks) and have strict environmental regulations Because of this they have one of the highest life expectancies in the world (81)Because of this they have one of the highest life expectancies in the world (81)
Shibuya Crossing Over 2.5 million cross this intersection daily
1. Which of the following statements is false in reference to population density and transportation: A. The average employee commutes 90 minutes to work B. No car can be registered in Tokyo without proof that the owner has a place to park it C. The Japanese train and subway system is so advanced that the Japanese buy fewer cars today than in 1960
2. Which of the following statements is false in reference to population density and housing: A. The average home in Japan is smaller than the average home in the United States B. Space limitations have not changed family life in Japan C. Many Japanese homes do not have separate bedrooms
3. Which of the following statements is false in reference to population density and land use: A. The Japanese have always built very tall buildings because of limited land B. The Japanese grow rice on terraces cut into steep mountains
4. Which of the following statements is false in reference to population density and health: A. Because of crowding in Japan, the Japanese live shorter lives than most other people in the world B. Some Japanese wear facemasks to avoid making others ill C. The Japanese recycle cookie wrappers to reduce trash
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