Cylindrical Grinding Machine Workhead Carriage Tailstock Bed Table (Courtesy: Micromatic Grinding Technologies Ltd.)
Validation of Geometric and FE Models Workhead Tailstock Force (F) 150 mm 75 mm Applied force Deflection in µm (N) Experimental FEA 50 0.5 0.41 100 0.7 0.82 150 1.2 1.23 200 1.6 1.64 250 2.0 2.06 300 2.4 2.47 Frequency in Hz Mode Experimental Computational 1 55.12 62.67 2 110.13 108.16 Static & Dynamic Tests
SPECIFICATIONS AND MATERIAL PROPERTIES 1. Grinding Wheel specifications Wheel Peripheral speed Max. Diameter 45 m/sec 660 mm 2. Rapid feed rate Feed during rough grinding Feed during finish grinding 10 m/min (max) 3.75 mm/min (max) 1.5 mm/min 3. Spindle diameter 80mm 4. Max RPM 700 (max) 5. Spindle power 11KW (Courtesy: Micromatic Grinding Technologies Ltd.)
CUTTING FORCES USED S.No. Component of force Direction of Application Values in N (CMTI handbook) Values in N (Given by Industry) 1. Tangential cutting force Vertically downwards 244.3 350 2. Axial force Towards the workhead 48.86 70 3. Radial force Inwards, towards the operator 732.9 800
Analysis of Cylindrical Grinding Machine
Analysis of Cylindrical Grinding Machine
Analysis of Cylindrical Grinding Machine Deformation contour of entire machine tool
Analysis of Cylindrical Grinding Machine
Analysis of Bed Deformation (in m) contour of bed
Analysis of Bed
Components/Sub-assemblies S.No Components/Sub-assemblies Total Deformation in μm (max.) X-axis* Y-axis* Z-axis* VonMises stress in MPa 1. Bed 0.139 0.0218 0.0266 0.0863 0.192 2. Carriage 0.0129 5.848e-3 3.91e-5 2.326e-3 0.022 3. Workhead assembly 6.45 1.86 5.21 7.84 4. Tailstock 9.14 0.238 2.11 7.99 11.36 5. Workhead+Workpiece+ 7.22 1.64 2.09 5.92 10.88 6. Entire assembly 4.57 0.585 1.39 4.51 9.99 X-axis*- Axial axis Fx = 70N Y-axis*- Vertical axis Fy = 350N Z-axis*- Radial axis Fz = 800N
Parametric Optimization Pre-optimization sensitivity analysis Design Variables
Topology Optimization provides with optimum distribution of material within a specified design space satisfying functional requirements of a part/product. (a) (b) (c) Topology optimization on various components of a cylindrical grinding machine tool (a) Bed (b) Frame of workhead (c) A component of wheel head subassembly
Topology Optimization Preliminary results of possible topology modifications in bed Topology Optimization Results
Topology Optimization Feature based representation of bed for feature sensitivity analysis Feature 1 Feature 2 Feature 3 % Decrease in mass 6.56 4.02 8.38 % Increase in static deflection 2.13 3.28 7.25 % Increase in 1st Natural Frequency 4.73 0.10 8.37 Feature Sensitivity Analysis Results
Design Case of Bed of Cylindrical Grinding Machine 475 Kgs of bed weight can be reduced by increasing maximum permissible deflection from 3.6 µm to 3.9 µm
Machine Tool Design
Machine Tool Design
Machine Tool Design Initial (12:40pm) 12:40pm to 3:45 pm (running) Initial (12:40pm) 12:40pm to 3:45 pm (running) 3:45pm to 5:00pm (rest) Axial 0 µm 40 µm 10 µm Radial -3 µm 12µm 8µm