ENTER The Clil4U project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
CommunityContent Competence Cognition Communication TOPIC PLANACTIVITIES LANGUAGE OF/FOR LEARNING
An introduction lesson for a class which will be learning about the environment inside an electronics lab. Back to Overview
Working in an electronics lab includes several aspects such as Safety Practices, the use of Basic Test Equipment, and the use of various electronic components. Back to Overview
Working in teams inside an electronics laboratory, the students will share information about the environment found inside an electronics lab, and about the tools, equipment and components that will be handled. Key Content Words from the technical vocabulary include working procedures, safety measures, tools and equipment (soldering iron, long nose pliers, side-cutters, digital multimeters, etc.), and electronic components. The students will learn how to use the imperative. The scaffolding used will mainly be based on work sheets with pictures of tools, and an online CALL unit where they can click on all the words and look them up in dictionaries.scaffolding Some more Scaffolding Techniques to help studentsScaffolding Techniques Back to Overview
The Learners will use and acquire several Cognitive Skills. They will: understand basic electronics lab practices. apply their knowledge and instruct peers or other students on how to work safely in a lab. become familiar with the basic tools and equipment used inside an electronics lab, as well as the electronic components utilized. remember key vocabulary and use it in different ways as part of instructions. through the activities, use both HOTS & LOTS – Higher Order Thinking Skills & Lower Order Thinking Skills. See Bloom’s Wheel, i.e. from understanding through applying, to evaluating the practices required when working in an electronics lab, as well as when constructing and testing electronic circuits.HOTS & LOTS Bloom’s Wheel Back to Overview
On completion, Students: can adopt good working practices in an electronics lab can follow safety practices when working in an electronics laboratory are familiar with basic tools and test equipment used inside an electronics lab can identify the different types of components used to construct electronic circuits Back to Overview
Modern everyday life requires the use of advanced electronic technology. Control of all that we use relies mainly on electronics. Familiarity with the procedures followed when working inside an electronics lab will help a person: appreciate further that the electronic equipment used in modern everyday life must be handled properly identify more easily the components used to assemble the electronic equipment used in modern everyday life Back to Overview
RememberUnderstandApplyAnalyzeEvaluateCreate Higher Order Thinking Skills - HOTS Lower Order Thinking Skills - LOTS Back to CognitionLearning Behaviours
Back to OverviewBack to Cognition We have to remember a concept before we can understand it. We have to understand a concept before we can apply it. We have to be able to apply a concept before we analyze it. We have to analyze a concept before we can evaluate it. We have to remember, understand, apply, analyze, and evaluate a concept before we can create.
Bloom’s Wheel Back to Cognition Back to Overview
ACTIVITY 1 Introduction to the environment found in an electronics workshop Familiarization with the safety procedures to be followed when working in an electronics laboratory Introduction to the basic use of hand tools and basic test equipment Back to Overview
ACTIVITY 2 Introduction to different types of electronic components Identification of electronic components by means of the symbols used in circuit diagrams Identification and selection of appropriate electronic components in practice Back to Overview