Roles in Medicine What do all those titles mean?
Roles in Medicine Attending Physician Chief Resident Resident (1 st year = Intern) Medical Student Undergraduate Student
In college/university Purpose: Obtain undergraduate degree Duration: 4 (possibly 5) years End result: Bachelors Degree
Medical Student In medical school Purpose: 1 st and 2 nd years = didactic (classroom) 3 rd and 4 th years = clinical rotations through all specialties/”services” (you see patients) Duration: 4 years Everyone, regardless of specialty, in same program End result: You are a physician AKA doctor (MD or DO)
Resident In a residency training program Purpose: Focus on your specialty, yet rotate through all specialties/“services” (neurology, trauma, OB/GYN, hematology/oncology etc…) Responsible for all subordinates Duration: 4 -5 years (1 st year = “Intern”) End result: You are eligible to be chosen as Chief Resident
Chief Resident Supervises all residents within their specialty Responsible for training all subordinates Acts as administrative leader (does all the scheduling and paperwork) Acts as a mentor
Attending Physician Has successfully completed residency Has successfully passed board exams Supervises residents Performs research Administrative and clinical leader Can function independently as a physician