USA Select Briefing to The Federal Geographic Data Committee November 6, 2001 Glenn Geoghegan SPOT Image Corporation Reston, VA
The premier base layer for GIS, Desktop Mapping, and Image Processing Software Current, cloud-free imagery; Pan or Natural Color 10m resolution on-the-shelf; 2.5m and 5m updates in ‘02 Co-registered with existing USGS information products “Load & Go” Format for Simplified GIS Desktop Mapping Use Instantly available base maps for presentations, geospatial analysis, map updating, and change detection Entities in the following states have already purchased USA Select data products: California, Connecticut, Florida, Idaho, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Mississippi, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas and West Virginia USA Select
USA Select Construction Co-registered Raster and Vector Layers Landsat 7 10m Panchromatic 10m Natural Color Digital Elevation Geocoded Using USGS Maps Ortho-Rectified with USGS 30m DEMs 12 Meter Internal Geometric Accuracy Meets National Map Accuracy Standards (1:25,000)
USA Select Statewide Products Orthorectified Seamless Cloud Free Balanced Current SPOT USA Select 10 meter Panchromatic $1,500 $4,000 $10,000 $14,000 $17,000 $21,000 $35,000
Terrain Visualization: Phoenix, AZ
Extended Licensing Ensures Widely Used, Dynamic and Valuable Base Map Any OHS Data Sharing requirements met by SPOT’s flexible, extended, licensing options Supports Common Operating Picture for all Federal, DoD, State and Local Agencies Unrestricted public access / web-based distribution options available Resolution Upgrade Option: SPOT will extend a 25% discount on a 5m upgrade if (1) the initial 10 meter order is placed before 12/15/01, and (2) the SPOT 5 upgrade is ordered by 9/30/02. Full price for 5m upgrade will be charged after Oct 1, 2002.
SPOT Background Information
Imaging Capabilities Pushbroom Scanning with CCD Detector Arrays Two Visible Sensors Ground Imaging Swath = 60 to 80 km per Sensor Adjustable Viewing Angle (+/- 31 degrees) 3 satellites allow imaging every day SPOT 1, 2, and 4
Spatial and Spectral Options 1 km Vegetation 2250 km swath 20 Meter Multispectral 60 km x 60 km 10 Meter Panchromatic 60 km x 60 km
SPOT 5 Resolution: 2.5 m - SuperMode Panchromatic 5 m - Panchromatic 10 m - Green, Red, Near IR 20 m - Middle IR In-Line Stereo Acquisitions 10 m post spacing Synoptic Coverage 60 x 60 km or 120 x 120 km images Solid State Data Recorders Launch Scheduled – Mar 2002 Simulated 5m image
SPOT Image Corporation Profile One of four SPOT Image subsidiaries Incorporated in 1982 to serve the US marketplace Located in Reston, Virginia Currently staffed with ~25 employees Operations include Sales, Marketing, Satellite Programming, GIS & Image Processing, and Production ISO 9001 Certified