How to design a Free Hosting Webpage?
Definition: Free Hosting No payment required
Guidelines in Designing Make it simple yet elegant Theme must be in accordance with the content Avoid too much graphic designs Make sure that hyperlinks follow correct syntax
Step – by – Step Designing
1.Open 2.Sign – up as new user. Using Facebook account Provide full name, and password
3.Create a title for your website 3.Name 4.School 5.Company 6.Interest 4.Select type of site
5.Select category except for Personal Type of website 6.Create your domain name Since it is free, select Subdomain of Weebly
7.Now the fun begins 8.From the Main Page of your Weebly Editor: Elements Design Pages Editors Settings
Weebly Editor
Elements Ribbon Font holders Embed multimedia files like photo, music, etc.
Design Ribbon Theme Selection Number on the theme design determines the number of ways you can change the color of the theme
Pages Ribbon Editing of pages on the Home Bar Add pages (In line with Home) Add subpages (Indented)
Editors Ribbon Add persons to maintain the webpage for you
Settings Ribbon Change the address of your website, site name and other parameters
After editing your webpage, don’t forget to click on Publish to update the content of your website
Log – in to your Weebly account and click on Edit
Important Reminders
Always log – out your Weebly account after using Make sure to hit Publish to update your webpage after editing.
If materials uploaded are not authored by you, please site references, authors and URL of the file to avoid plagiarism issues
Happy Designing…