Images Worksheet
Web template Download the template folder Unzip and save in your documents Rename the folder to “images work” without quotes
Set up your page Open the index.html page Change the page title to Image Work Inside your body tags –Add a heading (h1) Animals –Directly below add a second heading (h2) Cats Should look like this:
Save Image Open Internet Explorer Go to Google Images and search for “cat” Once you’ve found a picture you like right click and select “save as” Ensure you save the image inside the “images work” folder, and inside the “images” folder. Rename the file “cat” and make a note of the extension (whether it’s a.png.jpg or.jpeg)
Insert Image Go back to your webpage code Below your cats heading add a and Inside the p tags, add – –Change the src= to go to your cat picture
Your HTML should look like….
View your page Save your page Have a look at it in Internet Explorer Should look something like this:
Task Add a second heading for any other animal you want e.g. Lions, Dogs, Snakes etc. Add 3 relevant images to your new section Make sure they are all: – saved in your images folder –a reasonable size –have alt text