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2008 Calendar.
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Why don’t you get her a scarf?
2008 Calendar.
Presentation transcript:

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun calendar

Tomorrow is your mother’s birthday. You should prepare a gift for her. I don’t know what is the best gift? Can you help me? What should I get my mother for her birthday? 教学法:图片显示法,问题导入法

s c a r f camera dictionary tennis ball CD bicycle flowers watch p h o t o a l b u m

Gifts Giving Unit 8 Why don’t you get her a scarf ? Section A Why don’t you…? Why not…? What about…? How about…? Suggestions What should I get …?

Gifts Giving - flowers Unit 8 Why don’t you get her a scarf ? Section A ( 讲解 ) flowers That’s a good idea ! 教学法:词句结合法

Gifts Giving - camera Unit 8 Why don’t you get her a scarf ? Section A ( 讲解 ) 教学法:词句结合法 camera No, that’s too expensive.

Gifts Giving - dictionary ( 讲解 ) No, that’s not interesting enough. 教学法:词句结合法 dictionary

Gifts Giving - bicycle Unit 8 Why don’t you get her a scarf ? Section A ( 讲解 ) bicycle No, that’s too. 教学法:词句结合法 personal

Gifts Giving - mobil phone Unit 8 Why don’t you get her a scarf ? Section A ( 讲解 ) mobil phone No, that’s too 教学法:词句结合法 personal.

Gifts Giving - CD Unit 8 Why don’t you get her a scarf ? Section A ( 讲解 ) CD No, that’s not enough. 教学法:词句结合法 special

Gifts Giving - calendar Unit 8 Why don’t you get her a scarf ? Section A ( 讲解 ) calendar No, that’s not creative enough. 教学法:词句结合法

Gifts Giving - shoes ( 讲解 ) shoes No, they’re too cheap. 教学法:词句结合法

Gifts Giving - scarf Unit 8 Why don’t you get her a scarf ? Section A ( 讲解 ) scarf No, that’t too boring. 教学法:词句结合法

Gifts Giving – football Unit 8 Why don’t you get her a scarf ? Section A ( 讲解 ) football No, that’s not special enough. 教学法:词句结合法

Gifts Giving ( 讲解 ) giftscomments ( 评论 ) That’s too expensive. That’s not interesting enough. That’s too personal.( 个性化的 ) That’s not special enough. That’s not creative enough. That’s too cheap. That sounds good! That’s too boring. That’s a good idea !

A: What should I get …for …birthday? B: Why don’t you /not get her…? What /How about…? A: No, that’s too.. Yes, that’s….

1b listen and number the comment in the order you hear them __That’s too expensive. __That’s too boring,too. __They’re too cheap. _1_That’s too boring.

1b listen and number the comment in the order you hear them _ 3 _That’s too expensive. _2_That’s too boring,too. _4_They’re too cheap. _1_That’s too boring.

2a Conversatio n 1 Conversatio n 2 Conversatio n 3 teacher sister friend Who is the person shopping for? √ √ √

Teaching difficulty ( 基本教学思路 ) 2b Listen again and write the suggestions and comments in the chart. Conversation1Conversation 2Conversation 3 Suggestion 1 a CD Comment 1 not special enough Suggestion 2 Comment 2 Conversation1Conversation 2Conversation 3 Suggestion 1 a CD a scarfa soccer ball Comment 1 not special enough too personalnot creative enough Suggestion 2 flowersa calendara photo album Comment 2 good ideasounds goodshe’ll like that

正确形式填空: 1.What should I ____ ( get) my mom for her birthday ? 2.Why don’t you ___ ( get) her a scarf ? 3.Why not ____ (get) her a scarf ? 4.How/What about (get) her a scarf ? getting get

Summary Words in section A  scarf 围巾  dictionary 字典  camera 照相  suggestion 建议  comment 评价 意见  personal 私人的 个人的  special 特殊的,特别的  photo album 影集

Summary 2.Focus in Unit 8 section A Suggestion What should I do…? Why don’t you do…? Why not do …? What about doing…? How about doing…? Comments That’s a good idea. That’s too boring. That’s too personal. That’s not creative enough. That’s not interesting enough. That sounds good.

When is your father’s or your mother’s birthday? Do you know? What will you plan to buy? Ask for some suggestions and give comments.

Now, it’s time for us to relax! Thank you and Goodbye!