1 HEALTH METRICS NETWORK An overview DR.Suartini Bambang,MPH;M.Sc WHO Consultant for HIS HMN Technical Officer
2 What is HMN? Launched at WHA (May 2005) Bring together producers and users of Health Information to strengthen HIS Secretariat is hosted by WHO Founded by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for several Less Developed Country,Indonesia is one of the First Round
3 HMN goal Increase : availability, accuracy, and timely information Classic ? Value and USE of information ---- more fashionable HMN target By 2011, Frame work UNIVERSALLY accepted standard to guide : Collection, report, and use of Health Information by all developing countries and global agencies
4 Background, rationale, and vision HMN Framework HIS components and standards Roadmap for implementation HIS resources Indicators Data sources Data management Information product Dissemination and use Principle Process Tools HMN Goal
5 HMN STAKE HOLDERS Center for Health Data and Information, MOH Focal Unit National Statistics Bureau Main stake Holders Ministry of Home Affairs Main Stake Holders National Family Planning Board Ministry of Communication and Information
6 SCOPE of WORK National and Global Goal to achieve MDG goal, which represent in the National Indicators Stakeholders actively involve The ultimate objectives is not only DEVELOPMENT OF HIS, but more HOW TO USE INFORMATION as EVIDENCE to support DECISION