Dance in the 1920’s Shawn and Ruth
What is Dance? to move your feet or body, or both, rhythmically in a pattern of steps with music. To express yourself (I.E. feelings, emotions, ect…) through the body in the form of movement
Dance in the 20’s Dance in the 1920’s was based mostly off of jazz music. Some dances that come up most when thinking of the 1920’s is the Lindy hop, Swing, The Charleston and any other dance that is associated with Jazz
Jazz is an umbrella term, it encompasses the following
Swing Swing features the syncopated timing associated with African American and West African music and dance. A combination of crotchets and quavers (quarter notes and eighth notes) that many swing dancers construe as 'triple steps' and 'steps' yet also introduces changes in the way these rhythms were played. A distinct delay or 'relaxed' approach to timing
Lindy Hop The Lindy hop is and African American dance from the late 1920’s and is based on Jazz, Yap and the Charleston. Dancers improvise the sequence of the movement in the lindy hop on a formal eight count beat. A syncopated two step, with the accent on the off beat-with a relaxed and cheery feel.
Charleston The Charleston is a dance named for the city of Charleston, South Carolina. Despite its black history, Charleston is most frequently associated with white flappers and the speakeasy. It used the basic step takes 8 counts and was danced either alone or with a partner