Research Programs in the VA
4 Distinct Program Areas Biomedical Laboratory Clinical Science Health Services Rehabilitation R&D
Merit Review Program (Intramural, Investigator-Initiated Research) All 4 VA Research Programs offer Merit Review funding opportunities Provides funding to support projects for periods ranging from 3-5 years Level of funding varies from program- to-program ($125,000/yr-$300,000/yr)
Mentored research development experience for individuals with prior research experience who would benefit from further training in an area important to VA Open to Clinicians and Non-Clinicians, current VA appt not required for submission Award Length 3-5 years Two levels (Level 1 – salary support for 2 yrs) (Level 2 – salary support for 3-5 yrs + $10-$50,000/yr project support) Career Development Program
Highly competitive, provides guaranteed salary support to exceptional VA, non-clinician PhD scientists for a period of 5-7 years. Two levels (1) Research Career Scientist-5 yrs (2) Senior Research Career Scientist-7 yrs Indefinitely renewable awards, peer reviewed semi-annual progress reporting requirements Research Career Scientist Program