Getting Your Sample Results Admitted Into Court By David Restaino, Esq.
Why Do We Care Translate technical information for non-scientists Prove that the translation is not “junk science” Recognition by the expert’s peers
Why Do We Care Getting paid
Hiring An Expert Do we need an expert? Will the expert testify in court, or not?
Hiring An Expert What will this cost? Is this the right person? - Education, training & experience
Hiring An Expert Who should hire the expert?
The Legal System How it works, and why it works Discovery - Depositions Trial Testimony
The Expert Report The Expert’s “Voice” Supporting Facts - What can be discovered Draft reports
The Opinion To a reasonable degree of scientific certainty Based on facts; not a “net opinion” Not “junk science”
Odor Opinions Personal observations Odor characterization Emission data and contaminants emitted Intensity measurement
Odor Opinions Dispersion modeling Chemistry Laboratory practices Source, wind direction, etc.
We Care Because … Our name is on the report We are a scientist We have used our science to come to a conclusion The conclusion is defensible, in fact and by science
We Care Because … Our clients care We want to get hired again