Oliver Boine-Frankenheim FAIR accelerator theory group HESR 4: beam dynamics and collective effects Tasks: o Task 1: Detailed beam accumulation studies.


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Presentation transcript:

Oliver Boine-Frankenheim FAIR accelerator theory group HESR 4: beam dynamics and collective effects Tasks: o Task 1: Detailed beam accumulation studies barrier bucket manipulations o Task 2: Beam cooling and kinetic equilibrium Code development and benchmarking 3D beam distribution in the HESR o Task 3: Collective instabilities and impedances Impedance library and budget GSI, Darmstadt High current beam physics group Contact: O. Boine-Frankenheim FZ Jülich IKP, COSY group Contact: A.Lehrach Uppsala University, Sweden The Svedberg Laboratory Contact: V. Ziemann Partners: Task 1 has been dropped, because accumulation will be performed in the RESR. Deliverables: Report(s) on optimized beam equilibrium, loss and stability

Oliver Boine-Frankenheim FAIR accelerator theory group Work accomplished Employment: August 2005: Scientist for HESR beam dynamics simulations hired at GSI. Published reports: Analysis of the HESR luminosities using realistic machine cycles Kinetic study of longitudinal beam cooling equilibrium and beam loss Beam heating and loss due to pellet targets Detail study of IBS at HESR relevant energies in RHIC Ongoing studies: o 3D beam equilibrium and loss studies: space charge field of the e-cooler o Beam stability and impedance budget: effect of trapped ions

Oliver Boine-Frankenheim FAIR accelerator theory group Example results Longitudinal simulations: Internal target induced longitudinal tail in a barrier bucket bucket 3D simulation studies: Tune footprint with e-cooler space charge. Simulations with MAD-X. S.Sorge, et al., to be published

Oliver Boine-Frankenheim FAIR accelerator theory group Publications and reports in 2006 [1] Beam Performance and Luminosity Limitations in the High-Energy Storage Ring A. Lehrach, O. Boine-Frankenheim, F. Hinterberger, R. Maier, D. Prasuhn Nucl. Inst. and Methods A 561 (2006) 289. [2] Beam equilibrium and beam loss with internal targets in the HESR O. Boine-Frankenheim, R. Hasse, F. Hinterberger, A. Lehrach, P. Zenkevich Nucl. Inst. and Methods A 560 (2006) 245. [3] When are pellet targets to thick ? V. Ziemann Nucl. Inst. and Methods A 565 (2006) 370. [4] Analysis of measured transverse beam echoes in RHIC S. Sorge, O. Boine-Frankenheim, W. Fischer Proc. of ICAP 2006, October , Chamonix Mont-Blanc, France [5] Beam-dynamics simulation studies for the High-Energy Storage Ring (HESR) A. Lehrach, O. Boine-Frankenheim, R. Hasse. D. Prasuhn Proc. of ICAP 2006, October , Chamonix Mont-Blanc, France

Oliver Boine-Frankenheim FAIR accelerator theory group Work plan