Getting to know the MYP: The learner profile and approaches to learning October 13, 2015
What are some goals that you hope education will help your child to achieve?
What are some characteristics and strategies of people who we consider to be successful?
Characteristics of success? Working on your own or with a partner, fill in the table with your thoughts-- what does each characteristic “mean” to you? In what ways could having or displaying that characteristic contribute to success?table Please ask someone next to you or use your phone to look up any words that you might not be sure of!
To what extent would we like our children to demonstrate these characteristics?
What can we do to support our children’s development of these characteristics?
What does this mean for our children?
Inquirers ReflectiveBalanced Risk- takersCaring Open- minded Thinkers PrincipledCommunicators Knowledgeable
All IB World Schools are learning communities that encourage school leaders, teachers, students, parents and local community members to value learning as an essential and integral part of their everyday lives....helping students interact effectively with the learning environments they encounter in school and beyond The IB community shares a common purpose: making a better world through education. This goal...creates a series of interrelated aspirations, educational outcomes and shared values in the IB learner profile. The learner profile informs the IB’s educational philosophy and stands as a clear and concise statement of the values that inform a community that encourages the development of international mindedness.
How does an IB education prepare your child to be a successful, independent, lifelong learner?
In an IB education, we teach SKILLS as well as content knowledge.
What are “skills”? the learned capacity to carry out pre-determined results the ability to choose and perform the right technique at the right time, effectively and efficiently
Approaches to learning skills
Through ATL in IB programmes, students develop skills... that help them “learn how to learn”. ATL skills can be learned and taught, improved with practice and developed incrementally.
The focus of on helping students to develop the self-knowledge and skills they need to enjoy a lifetime of learning. ATL skills empower students to succeed in meeting the challenging objectives of MYP...and prepare them for further success...
What skills do our children need to have to be successful in today’s world and the world when they are adults?
Approaches to learning skills: Explicitly taught in class Comments in report cards
Next parent evening- Tuesday, October 27: Assessment in the MYP and getting the most out of the report cards