Group Member: 許祥哲、陳佩澤、顏瑜、曾彥瑜 Teacher: 黃光渠
Members Background Integration BackgroundVision & Missionstrategies 顏瑜 許祥哲曾彥瑜陳佩澤
Contents Background Introduction History Finance situation Vision & Mission Strategies Successful strategies Failed strategies [ [
HTC Corporation is a Taiwanese manufacturer of smartphones and tablets headquartered in New Taipei City, Taiwan. Introduction Founded1997 FounderCher Wang, H. T. Cho, and Peter Chou Productsmartphones, Tablets Revenue$6.75 billion USD (2013) Staff number17,631(2014/03)
History Founded released their own brand smart phone 98th top brand on Interbrand’s Best Global Brands share of the global smartphone market is less than 3 percent stock price has fallen by 90 percent
2013 Total Debt Ratio is about 55%.2012 Total Debt Ratio is about 61%. Total Debt Ratio decreased 6% from 2013 to 2014! Finance situation
EPS( 每股盈餘 )decreased about 22 thousands per share. Finance situation
Total Debt Ratio increases in recent years. And the share price goes down in recent years. So we can find that HTC’s financial situation is going down!
Vision & Mission
You don’t need to know your phone, you just need your phone to know you. Vision
Mission logistic and service capabilities world-class manufacturing value-added design the leading innovative supplier of mobile
bold, authentic, playful 2010~2013
Successful strategies Digital Entertainment Youth Market
Brand Image Market Saturation Failed strategies
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