Introduction to Common Core State Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects
DRAFT Introduction The purpose of this module is to provide a basic introduction to the Common Core State Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects. This module can be completed independently or collaboratively with your colleagues in a PLC.
DRAFT Self Reflection Use Slider Rate 1 to 5 I can assume responsibility to teach and integrate literacy skills in my discipline. I can create integrated lessons that allow all my students to use literacy skills in my discipline. I can provide artifacts that demonstrate my use of literacy skill integration in my discipline. (What evidence do you have to show this?) I can create performance tasks that utilize reading and writing skills. I can use the essential and literacy standards in my units of study.
DRAFT Background On June 2, 2010, North Carolina adopted the Common Core State Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects.
DRAFT Shared Expectation “The Standards insist that instruction in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language be a shared responsibility within the school..... teachers in other areas must have a role in this development as well.” From the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects, pg. 4
DRAFT Common Core State Standards Expectations –K-5 Embedded –6-12 Social Studies/History, Science, and Technical Subjects
DRAFT Definition of Technical Subjects “A course devoted to a practical study, such as engineering, technology, design, business, or other work-force-related subject; a technical aspect of a wider field of study, such as art or music." From Appendix A of the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects, (pg. 43)
DRAFT Literacy Strands Reading Literature Reading Informational Text* Reading Foundational Skills Writing* Speaking & Listening Language
DRAFT Intent “[Literacy] standards are meant to complement the specific content demands of the disciplines, not replace them” (CCSS, pg. 60).
DRAFT Learning Targets 1.To recognize the components of the Common Core State Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects 6-12; 2.To explain your discipline specific standards found in the Common Core State Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects 6 – 12; 3.To evaluate a sample performance task integrating the Common Core State Standards for Literacy in your discipline and the North Carolina Essential Standards: and 4.To create a performance task using the North Carolina Essential Standards and the Common Core State Standards for Literacy in your discipline.
DRAFT Learning Target #1 To recognize the components of the Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects 6 – 12 Review the overview of your discipline’s reading and writing standards Read your standards. Select your grade level and discipline. Use David’s chart to locate and read your standards. Complete the Graphic Organizer using the information you gathered. (T-chart, Four Square, Double Entry Journal etc.)
DRAFT Reading Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies Sourcing: considering the author and author perspective Contextualizing: placing the document/info within its historical period and place Corroboration: evaluating information across sources (Wineburg)
DRAFT Reading Standards for Literacy in Science and Technical Subjects Technical, abstract, dense, tightly knit language (that contrasts with interactive, interpersonal style of other texts or ordinary language) Nominalization (turning processes into nouns) Suppresses agency (readers need to focus on causation not intention) (Fang & Schleppergrell)
DRAFT Writing Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects Writing arguments and information/explanation pieces focused on discipline-specific content. Drawing evidence from text and gathering relevant information from multiple sources.
DRAFT Learning Target #2 To explain your discipline specific standards found in the Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects 6 – 12 Choose one of the following activities: Use your completed graphic organizer and reflections to create a Blog or write a personal Journal Entry to explain your discipline specific standards found in the Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects. Create a Voice Thread, Glogster, XtraNormal, ToonDo of your explanation. Share your Voice Thread or Journal with your colleagues, school administrator, or during a PLC team meeting.
DRAFT Learning Target #3 To evaluate a sample performance task integrating the North Carolina Essential Standards and the Standards for Literacy in your discipline Complete the following tasks: View the video clip and create a double entry chart. (I Saw / I Thought chart or Viewing Guide) Download a performance task (from DPI weblink) and evaluate it based on the rubric provided. Share your review with colleagues or during a PLC team meeting.
DRAFT Guiding Questions to Create Performance Tasks 1.Identify appropriate texts and text sets (including non-text information, like experiments, simulations, or graphic information). 2.Address all three themes or categories of ideas from reading (reading comprehension) in a series of lessons with each text or text set. Building in opportunities for multiple readings. 3.Include a writing assignment that requires students to summarize the text information, analyze it, or synthesize it.
DRAFT Video Clip for History Performance Task
DRAFT Video Clip for Science Performance Task
DRAFT Video Clip for Technical Subjects Performance Task
DRAFT Learning Target #4 To create a performance task using the North Carolina Essential Standards and the Standards for Literacy in your discipline Step: 1: Respond in writing to the Reflection Activity. Now that you are familiar with the CC Standards in your discipline; how will you address the needs of ALL students in your classroom. (Journaling) Step 2: Using the sample performance tasks and guiding questions, create your own performance task, including: one to two Essential Standards from your discipline and reading and writing Standards for Literacy. Step 3: Share/Discuss the Performance Task with other teachers in our school/district/post on a Wiki
DRAFT Post Reflection Use Slider Rate 1 to 5 I can assume responsibility to teach and integrate literacy skills in my discipline. I can create integrated lessons that allow all my students to use literacy skills in my discipline. I can provide artifacts that demonstrate my use of literacy skill integration in my discipline. (What evidence do you have to show this?) I can create performance tasks that utilize reading and writing skills. I can use the essential and literacy standards in my units of study.