Landfills In landfills they compact the waste so it can fit in a smaller space. Bacteria helps break down the waste. Landfills take up a lot of room. When rain water falls on the waste it absorbs chemicals. These chemicals mix with the water and form a polluted liquid called leachate. This mixture can pollute streams or lakes.
Incineration Advantages of incinerating wastes are: -it makes the waste 90% smaller -it produces its own energy Disadvantages of incinerating wastes are: -it cost too much money for a city to get -even the best incinerators produce some pollution
Recycling -Recycling is the process of reclaiming raw materials and reusing them. -When a material is biodegradable it means that the material can be broken down by bacteria or other decomposers (ex. Newspaper, some soap)
Recycling Metal Aluminum can be reused over and over and never lose its volume or strength. Recycling metal can help conserve our resources and cause less pollution then making it from scratch.
Recycling Glass Recycling glass costs less money than making new glass. Glass can be recycled many times. And it doesn’t cause much pollution.
Recycling Paper When you recycle paper every time it gets a little rougher, weaker, and darker. Paper products are made from pulp. Pulp is a dry fibrous material prepared by chemically or mechanically separating fibers from wood or fiber crops.
Recycling Plastic Resins are solid materials that are formed from when oil is refined to make gasoline or other materials. Resins can be heated and stretched into plastic products.