Well Andy, I guess I’m a Serial Killer THE NOVEMBER PROJECT
World Geography Fall Semester 2013 Warning: This project may be graphic in nature.
THE NOVEMBER PROJECT 1.25 SLIDES-details of the case-biography, 1 st kill, modus operandi, number of fatalities and who. 2.5 SLIDES-how the killer utilized the five themes of Geography: location, place, human- environment interaction, movement, region slides-how police caught the killer: what method, five themes used?, GIS/GPS software used and how? 4.KEEP IT ALL SCHOOL APPROPRIATE-approval by me for anything and everything 5.MUST USE THE SLIDES ON MY WEBSITE ONLY!
RESEARCH WEBSITES Serial Killers General Search Serial Killer Database Five themes of geography Serial Killer Facts Death Maps Tracking Psycho-Geographical Profiling Infectious Disease Model Borrow Ideas GIS Development