Xiaoyue (Cathy) Liu Wenjuan Zhao Barrett Taylor Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering University of Washington
Perform a collision and safety analysis for the 35 th Avenue SW corridor 12 intersections 14 roadway sections Background 35th Ave SW Study Corridor
City of Seattle Collision Summary for 10 years WAGDA Neighborhood districts Major Arterials Street Network Traffic Signals Principal Transit Routes VOLUME AND ACCIDENT TYPES
Intersection Segment
Road Section between SW Avalon Way & SW Snoqualmie St. Collision Highest Rear End Accidents : 16 Highest Parked Car Collision: 11 Solution Reduce Rear End collisions: ▪ Speed detection signs ($15,000) Road Diet -> Sharrow
Road Diet Preferred Option Current Image Source: Oran Viriyincy, University of Washington
Intersect Dissolve Clip Select by Location Create Layer from Selected Feature Create Attributes Hyperlink Symbology