Promoting EU biodiversity in its overseas entities: The BEST 2.0 Programme An update by: Arnold Jacques de Dixmude, DEVCO.C2 Coordination Group on Biodiversity and Nature – 13 March 2015
Contexts The BEST Initiative The GPGC thematic programme within the B4Life flagship initiative The EU Overseas Association Decision
2008 message from Reunion Island 2009 conceptual thinking 2010 BEST preparatory action Open call for proposals : 9 grants BEST-2011 Including BEST Facilitating Project toward a long-term governance mechanism and financial sustainability 2011 BEST preparatory action (year 2) Open call for proposals BEST 7 grants +2 (AfD) BEST BEST preparatory action (last year 3) Open call for tender: BEST III service contract signed December 2013, duration 4 years, won by a consortium co- ordinated by IUCN BEST million allocation for BEST in OCTs from DCI-GPGC Context: the BEST initiative
Context: B4Life and GPGC Multi-year Financial Framework Various funding instruments: EDF ENI DCI geog DCI themat ACP OCT CSO+LA GPGC (5 areas) South: Mediterranean East: Eastern Europe Asia Lat.-America
Global Public Goods and Challenges Allocation for Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services within the Environment/Climate Change allocation of GPGC ≈ € 230 M over 7 years ≈ 0.36% of (EDF+DCI+ENI) need for enhancing and mainstreaming biodiversity across all development cooperation instruments and programmes flagship initiative Biodiversity for Life
B4Life objective " Contribute to halting biodiversity loss and reducing poverty by promoting a cross- cutting and innovative approach to fully integrate biodiversity and ecosystem conservation with socio-economic development and poverty eradication". Three priority areas, in line with the Agenda for Change: 1. Good governance 2. Food security 3. Green economy + a special Wildlife Crisis Window (WCW)
Objectives The establishment of close economic and trade relations between the EU and the OCTs as a whole; The promotion of EU's values, standards and interests in the wider world via the OCTs; The enhancement of OCTs' competitiveness; The strengthening of OCTs' resilience and reduction of their vulnerability; The establishment of a more reciprocal relationship between EU and OCTs based on mutual interests and shared values; The promotion of cooperation of OCTs with third partners. Context: EU-OCT Association Decision
EU-OCT Association Decision Part two/Chapter 1: environmental issues, climate change and disaster risk reduction Art. 16: Sustainable management and conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services Art. 17: Sustainable forest management Art. 18: Integrated coastal management Art. 19: Maritime affairs Art. 20: Sustainable management of fish stocks
The BEST 2.0 Programme Under the European BEST Initiative… Under the GPGC Env/CC allocation and the B4Life flagship initiative… Under the EU-OCT Association Decision… Financing Decision adopted on 28 November 2014
BEST 2.0 = promoting the conservation and sustainable use of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in overseas countries and Territories EU support: € 8 million Duration: 5 years – starting January 2015 OCT only ≠ BEST preparatory action (OCT and OR) but matching with other funding for ORs and SIDS possible Support to OCTs actors for implementation of projects through an eased access to European grants ≈ BEST p.a.
BEST 2.0 objectives General objective: to promote the conservation of biodiversity and sustainable use of ecosystem services, including ecosystem-based approaches to climate change adaptation and mitigation, as a basis for sustainable development in OCTs. Specific objective: to enable, empower and strengthen local authorities and civil society organisations and actors who are committed to local development, biodiversity conservation and sustainable use of ecosystem services in OCTs.
BEST 2.0 results Result 1: The project will constitute a facility that provides swift and easy access to resources, and is flexible enough to be adapted to the varying conditions and situations encountered in OCTs. Result 2: Projects will be implemented in all OCTs, having a positive impact on the needs and priorities of the OCTs, as identified in the EU-OCT Association Decision and further oriented through the OCTs Environmental and Regional ecosystem profiles.
BEST 2.0 results Result 3: The visibility of OCTs will be increased as key contributors to the achievement of EU and global biodiversity targets (Aichi Targets) through maintenance and restoration of biodiversity and sustainable use of ecosystem services and as demonstrators of ecosystem-based approaches to climate change mitigation and adaptation and low- carbon economy through genuine partnerships.
BEST 2.0 activities R1A1. To elaborate guidelines for submission of proposals, including application forms and taking into account stakeholder consultations and needs assessment. R1A2. To launch calls for proposals across the implementation period. R1A3. To carry out region-based advertising and training (capacity building) campaigns. R2A1. To evaluate and select proposals.
BEST 2.0 activities R2A2. To contract with the selected partners and manage the contracts and payments. R2A3. To monitor and evaluate the implementation of the selected projects. R3A1. To promote knowledge sharing between the grant beneficiaries at the regional and/or global level in collaboration with existing activities. R3A2. To promote the visibility of BEST – or more generally, biodiversity in the OCT – within the international biodiversity and sustainable development communities.
BEST 2.0 implementation 1 global grant awarded to a "BEST 2.0 consortium" BEST 2.0 consortium = BEST III consortium – 4 members OCT approached through 5 regions: (1) Caribbean; (2) South-Atlantic; (3) Indian Ocean; (4) Polar/subpolar; (5) Pacific Ocean Elegible beneficiaries: OCT local authorities and services, civil society organisations, actors working in OCTs 2 types of Grants: Small Grants (< € ); Medium Grants (< € )
BEST 2.0 consortium: 5 members
BEST 2.0 governance
BEST 2.0 (tentative) calendar Year 1: inception; establishment of the BEST 2.0 board; 1 st Call for Proposals (medium grants / two regions); 2 nd Call for Proposals (small grants / other three regions) Year 2: 3 rd Call for Proposals (medium grants / three regions); 4 th Call for Proposals (small grants / two regions). Year 3: implementation and monitoring. Year 4: implementation & monitoring. Year 5: implementation, monitoring and closure.
Context the BEST initiative Thank you !