Growing Clean Energy America’s Future Energy Jobs America’s Energy Coast Secure Gulf Briefing Russell Senate Office Building September 21, 2010 Jeff Williams Director, Climate Consulting
Developing Clean Energy Supply “If the U.S. is to substantially reduce ghg emissions over the next two decades while continuing to meet demands of the economy, new low-carbon electricity generation and supporting infrastructure will need to be designed built, and operated” EPRI Prism 45% reduction in GHG emissions by ‘30
3 Twin Challenges (Opportunities?) Facing the Electric Power Sector – –Near-Term Retirements 30 to 40 percent, or roughly 150,000 of the 400,000 workers employed in the electric power sector are eligible for retirement or will leave the sector in the next 5 years. – –Long-Term Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy De-carbonizing the electric power sector will require roughly 150,000 workers to design, construct, and operate the next generation of electric sector infrastructure. Combined, these challenges represent replacement of 80% of the current electric power sector work force--300,000 jobs.
How Many Jobs?
Jobs to operate & maintain new clean plants needed 4-5 indirect jobs for each direct nuclear or CCS job created
Electric Sector Workforce Pipeline
Recommendations –1) Evaluate regional training needs and facilitate multi- stakeholder energy sector training programs across the country – 2) Improve energy sector data collection and performance measurement metrics and tools – 3) Identify training standards and best practices for energy sector jobs –4) Provide funding support for individuals seeking energy sector-related training and education –5) Aggressively focus on revitalizing the math and science skills, education, and career counseling of individuals who have the interest and skills to work in the energy sector
Questions ?