What Happens When your brother smacks you too hard? you will fly across the universe of course
It was a regular day birds Intel my brother came home. It all started when I was playing on his computer in his bedroom. Thoughts were running through my mind what if he would come home and see me playing on it that would be horrible I thought to myself but it wont happen. I am so board and his computer is better I thought. The next thing I new my brother was standing next to me he roared a terrible roar I said calm down buddy. Then he roared even louder get out now he said I said no lafing as if it were a joke. Then he stomped towards me and smacked me across the universe I flew out the window through Japan India lf Florida I swam in Florida danced in India I transitions into all of the outfits that they were in those places. Oh my gosh I thought to myself adrenalin was pumping in my body thump I landed on the roof of my house fell through the chimney oh I thought swallowing cobwebs it smelt so bad holding my breath killing so many brain cells but I did not care! Thud I landed in the bottom of the chimney calfing as I was looking at my mothers face was so red then my brother came running down stares saw me and we took off chasing through the house Breaking pans pots clocks knocking thing off the counter tops all the decorations falling off the cabinets. My mom filially caught me we were in serious trouble my punishment was I could not have friends over for a 1 month and of corse cleaning up all of the broken stuff on the floor my brother had the same punishment too. The funny thing I learned is that if your brother smacks you too hard you will fly across the universe!!!
It was a regular day birds Intel my brother came home. It all started when I was playing on his computer in his bedroom. Thoughts were running through my mind what if he would come home and see me playing on it that would be horrible I thought to myself but it wont happen. I am so board and his computer is better I thought. The next thing I new my brother was standing next to me he roared a terrible roar I said calm down buddy. Then he roared even louder get out now he said I said no lafing as if it were a joke. Then he stomped towards me and smacked me across the universe I flew out the window through Japan India lf Florida I swam in Florida danced in India I transitions into all of the outfits that they were in those places