Attitudes, Beliefs, & Behavior Patterns of Missional STaR Congregations Cultivating Vitality for Multiple Point Parishes Rev. John Ragan ©2010 Rev. John C. Ragan
Premise of Thesis Albert Ellis, Rational-Emotive Therapy Albert Ellis, Rational-Emotive Therapy Attitudes & Beliefs influence Behavioral & Emotional Responses Attitudes & Beliefs influence Behavioral & Emotional Responses To change behavior Examine, challenge, & change attitudes & beliefs To change behavior Examine, challenge, & change attitudes & beliefs ©2010 Rev. John C. Ragan
Outline of Presentation 1.Introduction 2.Attitudes 3.Beliefs 4.Behavior Patterns 5.Importance of This 6.Questions ©2010 Rev. John C. Ragan
Definition of Attitude A mental position with regard to a fact or state (e.g., a helpful attitude), and, a feeling or emotion toward a fact or state. For us, this end state is to be MISSIONAL! ©2010 Rev. John C. Ragan
Unhelpful Attitudes Attitudes about Situations/Events Attitudes about Situations/Events – Fear of Conflict – Need to Control – Traditionalism Attitudes about People/Self Attitudes about People/Self – Negative Self-Perceptions – Non-inclusiveness ©2010 Rev. John C. Ragan
Helpful Attitudes Attitudes about Situations/Events Attitudes about Situations/Events – Positive Attitude – Change/New Ideas – Challenges Attitudes about People/Self Attitudes about People/Self – Hospitable, Supportive, Compassion – Inclusive, Accepting – Communal ©2010 Rev. John C. Ragan
Definition of Beliefs a state or habit of mind in which trust or confidence is placed in some person or thing a state or habit of mind in which trust or confidence is placed in some person or thing something believed; especially: a tenet or body of tenets held by a group something believed; especially: a tenet or body of tenets held by a group conviction of the truth of some statement or the reality of some being or phenomenon especially when based on examination of evidence. conviction of the truth of some statement or the reality of some being or phenomenon especially when based on examination of evidence. ©2010 Rev. John C. Ragan
Unhelpful Beliefs Beliefs about the Church Beliefs about the Church – Church as Worship – Church as Building Darrell Guder:...Those churches came to conceive the church as ‘a place where certain things happen.’ Guder and Barrett, Missional Church, 79. Beliefs about Youth Beliefs about Youth – The notion that, “If you teach them when they are young, there will be a time when they leave. But don’t worry—they’ll come back on their own.” ©2010 Rev. John C. Ragan
Helpful Beliefs Beliefs about Congregation Beliefs about Congregation – Purpose – Pastoral Role Beliefs about Prayer Beliefs about Prayer – For whom do you pray? – Who does the praying? Beliefs about God Beliefs about God – God’s Intent for the World – Role of the Holy Spirit – How God/Christ works ©2010 Rev. John C. Ragan
Definition of Behavior Patterns A recurrent way of acting by an individual or group toward a given object or in a given situation. ©2010 Rev. John C. Ragan
Unhelpful Behavior Patterns Situational Behaviors Situational Behaviors – Conflict – Lack of Follow Through – Hold on to former identities – Doing Bare Minimum – Traditionalism – Confusing Marketing with Missional Actions ©2010 Rev. John C. Ragan
Unhelpful Behavior Patterns Relational Behaviors Relational Behaviors – Suspicious or cold towards guests/visitors – Viewing members as objects Work/Positions Work/Positions Money Money ©2010 Rev. John C. Ragan
Helpful Behavior Patterns Situational Behaviors Situational Behaviors – Teach/Train – Openness to New Things – Demonstrate Faith – Plan & Communicate – Ease new people into life of congregation ©2010 Rev. John C. Ragan
Helpful Behavior Patterns Relational Behaviors Relational Behaviors – Hospitality—accept, welcome – Challenge in loving, caring way – Pray – Accountable to one another in love – Building relationships – Recognize people – Inclusiveness ©2010 Rev. John C. Ragan
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