Society views on interracial couples.
Summaries of Journals Charts and tables Book summary Work cited
In “More Marriage Across Race Ethnicity Lines,” Miriam Jordan, report that the United Stated has reach a record high of interracial marriage. According to Jordan, 25 years ago a very small percentage of people married outside of their race but that number have changed drastically over the past few year. Furthermore, Jordan states that although the number of interracial marriage is rising, some ethnics are now choosing to married people from their ethnicity. For example, out marriage among Asian has declined over the past few years. This journal article talks about the rise of interracial marriage in America. It ‘s goes to show that more and more people are embracing the idea of intermarriage but yet there are people who chose to married from there own ethnicity.
Although Interracial marriage is on the rise, Erica Chito Childs reports that black and white continues to be the two group with social distance. According to Childs, black and white marriage tend to get more negative respond than other intermarriage. She also stated the “black women represent strongest opposition toward interracial dating.” Child’s believe that the reason why most black women does not approve of black and white marriage lies deep within the days of slavery. “ sexual exploitation of black women by white men was routine and rarely punished.” She also states that most studies done over the years have always portray black women as angry and bitter. Childs believe that the hostility from black women comes from not being included in the conversation and the media have already painted negative picture of black women being against intermarriage. The journal did a great job of including both white and black views on intermarriage. Most black women does not approve of intermarriage because of the history between black and white in the country.
Attitude toward interracial marriage had take turn for the better. But according to Ewa Golebiowska, whites seems to be hesitant of accepting a black person as part of their family. Golebiowska believe that the negative stereotype that some white people have about black as a group has played a huge role on why black and white are hostile toward each other. He also states that younger whites and more accepting and more likely to be in an interracial relationship.
In 1967, the Supreme court abolished all laws banning interracial marriage and since then the negative attitude toward interracial marriage have been declining. According to Cardell K Jacobson and Bryan R Johnson, “Interracial marriage continues to evoke an emotional response from many whites and even some members of minorities groups.” They believe that the negative view tend to come from older generations. Based on their studies, Jacobson and Johnson come to the conclusion that social status plays a huge difference in interracial marriage. Educated black women are more likely to married white men because there aren’t enough suitable black men (Jacobson, Johnson 2010). The studies shows that most people who tend to married outside of their ethnicity are more likely to be around diverse group of people, and younger generations approve of interracial relationship while older generations does not.
After the Supreme Court overruled Virginia Law banning interracial couple, 15 other states was over turn. According to Lindsey Russell talks about the reason why interracial has increase over time. Russell believe that interracial adoption and immigrants coming from all part of the world to the United Stated has contributed to the increased in interracial marriage. “ The number of interracial marriage involving whites, blacks and Hispanics each year in the United States has jump tenfold since 1960,but the older individuals are less likely to partner with someone of a difference race.” Furthermore Russell went on to say that although interracial marriage is on the rise, Americans still got long way to go when it comes to race.
OPPOSITIONAPPROVAL The first chart shows that although race is becoming less of an issue in America, black and white are still socially distant towards each other. The second chart indicates that the approval rates fro both Hispanics and Asians is almost the same but blacks have lower approval rate. :
2010REGIONAL The regional chart show that Western states are more tolerance of interracial marriage than all the other which is not a surprise and the 2010 chart shows that more Asian marries outside of their ethnicity than any other race in America but that has changed. The number of Asian marrying out groups have drops slightly and the new census shows that Hispanics have the highest out group marriage.
The number of people that thinks that Interracial marriage is good for society but the number of people that thinks that it makes no difference is still higher. Whether that is a good or bad thing I don’t know.
Childs, Erica C. "Looking Behind the Stereotypes of the "Angry Black Woman": An Exploration of Black Women's Responses to Interracial Relationships." Gender & Society 19.4 (2005): Print. Golebiowska, Ewa A. "The Contours and Etiology of Whites' Attitudes Toward Black-White Interracial Marriage1." Journal of Black Studies 38.2 (2007): Print. Jacobson, Cardell K., and Bryan R. Johnson. "Interracial Friendship and African American Attitudes about Interracial Marriage." Journal of Black Studies 36.4 (2006): Print. Russell, Lindsey. "Interracial Marriage Changing American Society." Yahoo! Contributor Network. Yahoo Voice, 14 Apr Web. 01 May