OE/AAA Processes & E-Filing Presented: October 15, 2015 By: Tracey McInnis (FAA) & Rita Castonguay Hunt (NHDOT)
Objectives Overview of Obstruction Evaluation and Airport Airspace Analysis (OE/AAA) Frequently Asked Questions Demonstration of E-filing System
Why? FAR Part 77 - Sharing Airspace Who? Everyone
Criteria for Filing You must file with the FAA at least 45 days prior to construction if your structure: Will exceed 200ft above ground level Will be in proximity to an airport and will exceed the slope ratio listed in part 77.9(b)
Criteria for Filing continued… Involves construction of a traverse way (i.e. highway, railroad, waterway etc...) and once adjusted upward with the appropriate vertical distance would exceed a standard of part 77.9(a) or (b) Will emit frequencies, and does not meet the conditions of the FAA Co-location PolicyFAA Co-location Policy Will be in an instrument approach area and might exceed part 77 Subpart C Will be in proximity to a navigation facility and may impact the assurance of navigation signal reception Will be on an airport or heliport Filing has been requested by the FAA
Notice Criteria Tool
Categories of Cases NRA Cases (Non-Rulemaking Airspace) On Airport Airport Division/NHDOT are leads Final determination by Airports Division OE Cases (Obstruction Evaluation) Off Airport Final Determination by Air Traffic Division
Paper Copies (NHDOT) Filed for: New Landing Areas Runway or Threshold Changes VRF and IFR Changes Deactivation and Activation of Runways or Taxiways Changes to Traffic Pattern
Types of Cases E-Filed Planning Studies/Approvals Airport Events All cases are electronically filed with the appropriate FAA Divisions and NHDOT for comment…
Types of Cases Buildings Hangars Poles Fences Solar Arrays Wind Turbine Any other permanent fixture
Types of Cases Towers Antennas NAVAIDS Mitigation and Lighting Windsocks
Types of Cases ALPs Planning Studies CSPP Mods to Standards
Types of Cases Temporary Equipment Construction Equipment Stock Piles Access/Haul Routes
What Information is Required? Be sure to include the follow with your case: Map, Sketch, or Drawing Visual Representation Proposed Location Coordinates from Highest Point to Runway Distances from Rwy Centerline (out & over) Glare Analysis (solar array)
Solar Array Solar project proposal boundary corner points and design plan Vertical tilt Horizontal Azimuth/Bearing the structure is facing Solar Panel Manufacturer/Type/Specifications Mechanics of the structure FAA approved Solar Glare Study as requested
ALP Depict all existing/future proposed structures and equipment Include any and all approved pen and ink changes Depict all NAS facility critical areas Upload electronic copy of proposed/revised ALP for review ALP Checklist ARP SOP
Buildings Site plan with footprint and latitude/longitude location If available, site plan with airport layout showing orientation to runway(s) Physical building dimensions Vertical profile drawing for each building side Roof construction with vertical profile Material Composition Identify any additional exterior metallic accessories
Fences and Powerlines General site plan and latitude/longitude coordinates Power Lines/Utility Lines Pole or tower design detail for each structure Capacity of each line run Number of lines with tower-to-tower point-to- point line details (i.e. straight run, twisted configuration, etc.) MSL/AGL/AMSL of each pole/tower
Wind Turbines All proposals for wind turbines and met towers regardless of whether they are on airport property or not should be filed as Off Airport Construction filings so they can be processed by the FAA's Obstruction Evaluation Group. earchAction.jsp?action=showWindTurbine FAQs earchAction.jsp?action=showWindTurbine FAQs
Miscellaneous Bridges will require site plan, dimensions, vertical profile drawing, and construction details and coordinate locations. In addition, reference to either True North or Airport layout depicting runway configuration. Stadium Lighting will require site plan, dimensions, vertical profile drawing, and construction details and coordinate locations. In addition, reference to either True North or Airport layout depicting runway configuration. Orientation of lighting is required to assess potential visibility blockage and possible glare for ATCT.
Miscellaneous Bill Board Structures will require site plan, dimensions, and construction details and coordinate locations, and an identification if bill board is digital. In addition, reference to either True North or Airport layout depicting runway configuration. Flagpoles will require a site plan, coordinates, and elevation data, dimensions and materials. Actual flag dimensions will be required to assess potential visibility obstruction for ATCT. Smoke Stacks will require site plan, dimensions, vertical profile drawing, construction details, and materials and coordinate locations. In addition, expected smoke plumes will need to be addressed to assess potential visibility obstruction for ATCT.
What is Evaluated by FAA Before issuing a determination the FAA Divisions will review: Part 77 TERPS Airport Design Standards Electromagnetic Interference Frequency Interference Line of Site for Airports with Control Towers
FAA Divisions
Terminology Proposed – Case has been submitted and FAA analysis has begun. Circularized – Case has been found to be a penetration and is being disseminated for public comment. Determined – Case is complete.
Determinations C heck back for determination on OE/AAA website Correspondence Only New Landing Areas will be mailed
Frequently Asked Questions OE/AAA Desk Reference Guide
Refilingor Changing the Case Once you have filed an NRA case, the only way to change data is to refile. If you need to change dates of construction, FAA or NHDOT can update that information.
Searching for a Case
Demonstrations Planning Airport Layout Plan Construction Hangar Construction equipment
Contacts Rita Castonguay Hunt NHDOT - Aeronautics Steve Barker Electronic Filing System: