Proper formal attire is required. This PowerPoint will cover the do ’ s and don ’ ts of prom. As always….. Ladies first……
Length ~ Must be fingertip length ( which is mid - thigh ) Do Don ’ t Backless ~ May be backless as long as the cut does not go below the navel Do Don ’ t
Slits ~ No higher than mid - thigh DoDo Don ’ t Necklines ~ Keep necklines above The front - top of natural bra coverage Do Don ’ t Shoes ~ No tennis shoes Do Don ’ t
Dresses may not be cut below the bust line ( bust continues around your sides directly under the armpit ). Don ’ t
Gentlemen ~ Tuxedos and dress suits only ( must have a jacket ) No jeans No tennis shoes Must wear a tie Shirts must have a collar Hats and canes must be checked in the coat room DoDo Do Don ’ t