WWII Shannon Paige Alek. Pearl Harbor December 7, 1941 Japan attacked U.S. naval base Angered U.S. citizens and government which lead us to enter the.


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Presentation transcript:

WWII Shannon Paige Alek

Pearl Harbor December 7, 1941 Japan attacked U.S. naval base Angered U.S. citizens and government which lead us to enter the war FDR declared war on December 8, 1941 #1 because it was the reason why the U.S. joined the war.

Manhattan Project FDR and Einstein worked together secretly Code name given to the development of the world’s first atomic bombs Truman dropped two bombs – Hiroshima – Nagasaki #2 because Japan surrendered and war was over

Battle of the Atlantic German U-boats attacked U.S. merchant ships sailing to Britain Wolf packs of 20 U- boats #3 because it was one of the main factors for us to enter the war

Hitler’s Aggression Hitler wanted to take over all of Europe U.S. needed to step in and stop him before defeating Japan despite Pearl Harbor attacks #4 because he was the primary U.S. enemy of WWII

Battle of Midway June 4, 1942 Fought entirely in the air Allowed U.S. to “island hop” – Isolated Japanese islands which allowed U.S. to take over others #5 because it was the turning point in the battle of the Pacific

Invasion of Italy King Emmanuel III knocked Mussolini out of power Mussolini was arrested and fled the country #6 because Mussolini was Hitler’s primary ally and it was the end to a fascist leader

Battle of the Bulge U.S. First Army suffered when Germany attacked Belgium and Luxembourg Created a “bulge” in the U.S. line of defense #7 because the Nazi leaders knew the war was lost

War Production Board January 1942 FDR switched peacetime industries into war manufacturers #8 because the goods were the backbone to the U.S.’ strong army

Battle of Okinawa April to June 1945 U.S. attacked Okinawa 300 miles from Japanese coast #9 because it secured naval base and was the last obstacle from reaching Japanese boarders

Office of Price Administration Controlled inflation Controlled rationing Coupons were made #10 because it controlled inflation and kept economy under control

Casablanca Operation Torch FDR and Churchil met and discussed the terms of the Japanese surrender. Only unconditional surrender would be accepted. #11 because unconditional surrender was necessary to prevent from eventual conflicts.

D-Day The largest invasion on French land by the Allies. Close to 3 million troops eventually landed there. #12 Because it was an important and strategic move, but it didn’t leave such mark as the rest.

The Battle of Britain The British Air Force was able to defend their mainland The Lend-Lease agreement was signed, which booster our economy #13 Because it was important, but the U.S. was only a remote participant.

The Holocaust Over 11 million lives were lost because of cruel racial prejudice. About 6 million were Jewish It was a very close to successful attempt of genocide. #14 because the U.S. didn’t know particularly about Hitler’s actions. However, we were still one of the major players when it came to relief programs and help.

The Battle of Stalingrad The biggest battle in WWII. First major defeat over Germany One of Hitler’s biggest mistakes #15 because the U.S. did not even get involved in the battle. It did, however, weakened the German forces tremendously.