IST4Balt, April 6, IST4Balt workshop “IST 6th Framework programme - great opportunity for cooperation and collaboration" 1 Cognitive Approaches to Instructional Multimedia Design Bruno Žuga Riga Technical University, LATVIA Bruno Žuga Riga Technical University, LATVIA IST4Balt, April 6, 2005
IST4Balt workshop “IST 6th Framework programme - great opportunity for cooperation and collaboration" 2 Outline of the presentation IST4Balt workshop “IST 6th Framework programme - great opportunity for cooperation and collaboration" 2 Context of local and international projects Cognitive theory of multimedia learning Multimedia design principles Multimedia demonstration IST4Balt, April 6, 2005
IST4Balt workshop “IST 6th Framework programme - great opportunity for cooperation and collaboration" 3 IST 6th Framework NoE in e-Learning “ Kaleidoscope” Kaleidoscope aims to ensure European leadership in the area of multidisciplinary research and technology development in e-Learning which is the ‘engine of the Knowledge Economy [1]’. [1] Ruttenbur, B., et al, eLearning: The Engine of the Knowledge Economy, eLearning Industry Report, Morgan Keegan, 2000
IST4Balt, April 6, IST4Balt workshop “IST 6th Framework programme - great opportunity for cooperation and collaboration" 4 IST 6th Framework NoE in e-Learning “ Kaleidoscope” 76 research units 23 countries 800 researchers 9 M EURO 4 years Joint Activities
IST4Balt, April 6, IST4Balt workshop “IST 6th Framework programme - great opportunity for cooperation and collaboration" 5 Kaleidoscope Joint Activities 9 Special Interest Groups (SIGs) (e.g. Context & Learning, CSCL, etc) 2 European Research Teams (ERTs) (e.g. Production of educational formats, TEL in mathematics) 8 Jointly Executed Integrating Research Projects (e.g. Interaction between learner’s internal and external representations in multimedia environment) Virtual Doctoral School Advanced Training...
IST4Balt, April 6, IST4Balt workshop “IST 6th Framework programme - great opportunity for cooperation and collaboration" 6 Collaborating locally Aim of the project: to promote collaboration among Higher Educational establishments in e-learning area. Main issues: informing, teaching, knowledge transfer, exchange of courses, course pool creation, sharing principles, copyright, strategy for e-learning development. Project duration is 10 months 7 partner organizations. Total eligible costs EUR Main target audience: faculty staff and decision makers New project “Availability Increase of Innovative E-learning for Promotion of Knowledge Based Economy in Latvia” (LV2002/ /SPF/0021) Supported by PHARE 2002 Cross Border Co-operation Programme
IST4Balt, April 6, IST4Balt workshop “IST 6th Framework programme - great opportunity for cooperation and collaboration" 7 External/Internal representations External representation is external to the learner’s biological system –It addresses the perceptual input channel (senses) –Can be created by the instructor, student, etc. Internal representation is internal cognitive structure –Cognitive Models for MM learning –Mayer (therory of multimedia learning); –Sweller (cognitive load theory; –Shnotz (Structure mapping) Research area –Multiple representations
IST4Balt, April 6, IST4Balt workshop “IST 6th Framework programme - great opportunity for cooperation and collaboration" 8 Multimedia technology
IST4Balt, April 6, IST4Balt workshop “IST 6th Framework programme - great opportunity for cooperation and collaboration" 9 Multimedia material design approaches ApproachStarting pointGoalTasks Technology centered Possibilities of multimedia technologies To provide access to the information How can we use newest technologies to design multimedia presentations? Great promises: radio, television, computers, Internet Learner centeredHuman perception To improve comprehension How can we tailor multimedia technologies to improve comprehension of the material? Students learn best when multimedia is created in accord with human perception principles.
IST4Balt, April 6, IST4Balt workshop “IST 6th Framework programme - great opportunity for cooperation and collaboration" 10 A cognitive theory of multimedia learning Richard E. Mayer et al, "Animation as an Aid to Multimedia Learning," Educational Psychology Review, vol. 14, pp , Assumptions Dual channel assumption Limited capacity assumption Active processing assumption
IST4Balt, April 6, IST4Balt workshop “IST 6th Framework programme - great opportunity for cooperation and collaboration" 11 Three assumptions Dual-channel assumption: learners have separate information channels for visual/pictorial material and auditory/verbal material. Limited capacity assumption: people can pay attention to only a few pieces of information in each channel at a time. Active Processing: people understand the presented material when they pay attention to the relevant material and organize it into a coherent mental structure and integrate it with their prior knowledge.
IST4Balt, April 6, IST4Balt workshop “IST 6th Framework programme - great opportunity for cooperation and collaboration" 12 Multimedia design principles I/IV Multimedia principle People learn better form multiple representations than just one Spatial contiguity principle People learn better when corresponding words and pictures/animations are presented near rather than far from each other on the page or screen Temporal contiguity principle People learn better when corresponding words/narrations and pictures/animations are presented simultaneously rather than successively.
IST4Balt, April 6, IST4Balt workshop “IST 6th Framework programme - great opportunity for cooperation and collaboration" 13 Multimedia design principles II/IV Redundancy principle People learn better when redundant information or representation is excluded than included as in case of text, narration and animation (to exclude text). Modality principle People learn better from pictures/animations and narrations (spoken texts) than from pictures/animations and on-screen texts. Signalling principle People learn better when material has a clear organisational structure and contains signals concerning how to process it
IST4Balt, April 6, IST4Balt workshop “IST 6th Framework programme - great opportunity for cooperation and collaboration" 14 Multimedia design principles III/IV Interactivity principle Learning could be improved when interactivity is added and students can interact with the material. Personalisation principle people learn better from a conversational narration than from formal narration Pretraining principle people learn better if component explanations are offered before multimedia presentation rather than after.
IST4Balt, April 6, IST4Balt workshop “IST 6th Framework programme - great opportunity for cooperation and collaboration" 15 Multimedia design principles IV/IV Voice principle If agents are used people learn better from agents that speak in a human voice rather than a machine- synthesized voice. Adaptivity principle individual characteristics such as learner knowledge level and his spatial ability should be taken into account when designing multimedia instructional materials.
IST4Balt, April 6, IST4Balt workshop “IST 6th Framework programme - great opportunity for cooperation and collaboration" 16 General criticism Most principles have been tested in a laboratory environment not taking real-life factors into account (e.g. meta-cognitive skills) Some effects have been tested with subject area novices only and for short periods of time. Limits of the principle application are not clearly marked.
IST4Balt, April 6, IST4Balt workshop “IST 6th Framework programme - great opportunity for cooperation and collaboration" 17 To sum it all up Although straightforward application of multimedia design principles to real-life teaching situation is not always possible, because of so many variables involved still they give a good overview to the instructor of what is involved.
IST4Balt, April 6, IST4Balt workshop “IST 6th Framework programme - great opportunity for cooperation and collaboration" 18 Bruno Zuga Riga Technical University, LATVIA Bruno Zuga Riga Technical University, LATVIA IST4Balt, April 6, 2005