Testing March 1-3, 2011
What is the MME? IIt consists of three testing days DDay 1 : (3/1/11)– ACT (English, Math, Science and Reading) Plus Writing DDay 2 : (3/2/11) – WorkKeys DDay 3 : (3/3/11) – MI Math, Science and Social Studies
Day 1- ACT HHS is an approved test site for the ACT. Many testing requirements given by the State Students need to bring a photo ID Students may not have cell phones Students may not work on anything else once testing is completed.
Day 1- ACT State pays for test – one time only Student receives a reportable ACT score, avoiding ACT registration costs 5 Components to the ACT (English, Math, Reading, Science, and Writing) Longest test day—approximately 4 ½ hours.
Day 2- WorkKeys WorkKeys Reading for Information WorkKeys Applied Math WorkKeys Locating Information (Reading Charts and Graphs)
Day 3- Michigan Component Michigan Mathematics Michigan Science Michigan Social Studies
What will Day 1 “look” like at HHS? MMarch 1 (Day 1) JJuniors and 8 th grade only in attendance (9 th, 10 th, and 12 th grades = no school) SStudents bring calculator, pencil and photo ID BBreakfast available 7:30 AM TTESTING OCCURS 8 AM – 12:25 PM. BBE ON TIME!
What will Day 2 “look” like at HHS? March 2 (Day 2) Juniors start testing at 8 AM -11:25 AM Lunch will be available at HHS Starting at 12:15 PM -- ALL HHS student will have shortened classes 1 st - 5 th hours.
What will Day 3 “look” like at HHS? March 3 (Day 3) Juniors start testing at 8AM – 10:30 AM Lunch will be available at HHS Starting at 11:15 PM -- ALL HHS student will have shortened classes 1 st - 5 th hours.
Make-up MME test days March 15 th -17 th These dates are set by the state – NO exceptions
Please do not schedule appointments during March 1 st -3 rd Do your best to remain healthy and in school
Q & A Website: Contact Ms. Burgess at See Mrs. Moylan or Mr. VanSoest ????????????????????????????????????????