Academic Information Services Olson Library NMU & Central UP Archives Computing HelpDesk Beaumier Heritage Center Instr. Design & Technology / CTL 8 tenured/tenure-track faculty 1 continuing 1 6-month term (sabbatical replacement) 5 AP 10 TOP 1 tenured faculty 1 AP 3 TOP 1 Senior Administrator 4 AP (.5 faculty assignment as Teaching & Learning Scholar)
This state-of-the-art facility will encourage students, faculty and the community at large to learn outside the classroom. As the anchor of the LRC, the Olson Library provides facilities, collections, technology, and personnel to meet current and emerging instructional and research needs, emphasizing collaboration, creative and critical thinking, experiential learning, and flexibility for the future. Five-Year Facilities Master Plan, Nov FY 2016 Capital Outlay Project Request Learning Resources Center Renovation
Serials Print$143,600 Electronic$713,600 Monographs Print$17,000 E-Books$25,000 AudioVisual Electronic$13,700 DVD/Other$1500 Library Acquisitions FY 15
Comprehensive Records Survey (Archives) Wellness (Library) Digital Commons & theses (Library) Improved support (HelpDesk) Supporting regional studies (Beaumier Heritage Center) Multimedia support for students (AIS)
IDT / Center for Teaching and Learning New faculty development Peer evaluation Online learning preparation Active course design Selection of the next NMU Teaching & Learning Scholar
Academic Information Services Olson Library NMU & Central UP Archives Computing HelpDesk Beaumier Heritage Center Instr. Design & Technology / CTL 8 tenured/tenure-track faculty 1 continuing 1 6-month term (sabbatical replacement) 5 AP 10 TOP 1 tenured faculty 1 AP 3 TOP 1 Senior Administrator 4 AP (.5 faculty assignment as Teaching & Learning Scholar)