Some Notes from Washington NACTEI Conference Wednesday May 11, 2011 Philadelphia PA John Haigh Ed.D. Chief, Performance and Accountability Branch Division of Academic and Technical Education US Department of Education
Notes Greatest Story Never Told CTE Data Update on Trends Is there a Future & Who’s Looking at What? News About VDQI and SLDS Your Input and Next Steps
Purpose Section 113(a) “Purpose-The purpose of this section is to establish and support State and local performance accountability systems, comprised of the activities described in this section, to assess the effectiveness of the State and the eligible recipients of the State in achieving statewide progress in career and technical education and to optimize the return of investment of Federal funds in career and technical education activities.” Emphasis added
Secondary Participants
Postsecondary Participants
Combined Participation
3 Year Enrollment Trends Percent Secondary Participation 7,594,9297,777,6597,687, Postsecondary Participation 4,318,1614,483,0064,700, Adult Participation 149,173157,523175, Secondary Concentrators 2,940,8483,293,4683,032, Postsecondary Concentrators1,739,9111,914,7362,175, Adult Concentrators113,471123,236133, Enrollment Percent Increase
Secondary Concentrator
Postsecondary Concentrator
3 Highest Clusters By Program Area 1st2nd3rd SecondaryBusiness 13.70% Agriculture 11.11% IT 10.57% PostsecondaryHealth 29.15% Business 16.17% Law 8.89% AdultHealth 36.51% Transportation 12.17% Construction 9.66%
Secondary Technical Skills
Technical Skills Measurement Approaches
Secondary Completion
Secondary Graduation
Secondary Placement
DifferencePercent Military19,77233,79614, % Employment287,331281,909-5, % Training & Further Education 390,912476,12685, % Total698,015791,83193, %
Secondary NT Participation
Secondary Nontraditional Completion
Secondary NT Completion
PS Technical Skills
PS Credential, Certificate, Diploma
Number and Percent Change DifferencePercent Credential 60,75521,816-38, % Certificate 82,082108,83526, % Degree 212,477238,39125, % Total 355,314369,04213, %
PS Retention or Transfer
PS Placement
Number and Percent DifferencePercent Military 1,5674,2312, % Employment 371,475337,435-34, % Apprenticeship 5,2594, % Total 378,301346,535-31, %
PS Nontraditional Participation
PS Nontraditional Completion
Secondary Alpha Targets & Performance
Postsecondary Alpha Targets & Performance
Tech-Prep YearTech-Prep Indicator DescriptionNumeratorDenominatorPercentage Secondary STP1Enroll in postsecondary education135,979319, % 1STP2Enroll in postsecondary in the same field or major30,367224, % 1STP3 Complete a State or industry-recognized certification or licensure 63,346194, % 1STP4 Complete course(s) that award postsecondary credit. 72,359301, % 1STP5 Enroll in remedial mathematics, writing, or reading course(s). 53,251158, % Postsecondary PTP1Employment in related field after graduation.25,19463, % 1PTP2 Complete a State or industry-recognized certificate or licensure 8,93382, % 1PTP3 On-time completion of a 2-year degree or certificate. 12,01188, % 1PTP4 On-time completion of a baccalaureate degree program. 3,53640, %
All Secondary CTE Students to TP Students
What is an LDS? Book I - What is an LDS? ◦What it is and is not ◦Organizational steps needed ◦Technical features ◦Benefits
Planning and Developing an LDS Book II - Planning and Developing an LDS ◦Engaging stakeholders ◦Current system ◦Desired system ◦Defining needs ◦Funding and buy-in ◦Building relationships ◦Writing an RFP ◦System components buying or building ◦Transferring knowledge ◦Defining and measuring success ◦Refining the system
Effectively Managing LDS Data Book III – Effectively Managing LDS Data ◦Governance ◦Roles and responsibilities ◦Collaborating ◦Managing changes to the system ◦Training ◦Auditing/validating ◦Establishing/following data standards ◦Privacy ◦Access
Advanced LDS Usage Book IV – Advanced LDS Usage ◦Collecting, storage and delivering ◦Reports ◦Data tools ◦Analysis tools ◦Training ◦Building awareness, understanding and Analytical capacity
†Assumes no additional resources. Could increase to 50,000 with additional resources. ‡ Assumes an increase in resources in 2012 and beyond. President’s 2020 goal: ◦America will once again have the highest proportion of college graduates in the world. ◦Each American will commit to at least one year of higher education or advanced training in his or her lifetime. OVAE Outcomes for President’s 2020 Goal: Doubled transitions from adult education into postsecondary education and training from 2010 level.† Increase the number of postsecondary CTE completion by 20% from 2010 level.‡
Office of Assistant Secretary OVAE GOALS: All youth and adults are ready for, have access to, and complete college career pathways leading to 21 st Century jobs. All youth and adult students have effective teachers. All youth and adult students have equitable access to high-quality learning opportunities on demand.
Career Related-Education Building A Statistical Program On Education and Work: ◦January 2010 – NCES formed the Adult and Career Education (ACE) program in PACE ◦Reflects view that preparation for careers is integral part of postsecondary education and adult education ◦Maintains focus on role of secondary education in preparation for careers ◦Expands the focus beyond traditional CTE to a broader notion of “Career-Related Education”
Career Related-Education Purpose and Authority: ◦NCES wants to collect and report better data on the role of education in preparing young adults and adults for careers. ◦Educational Sciences Reform Act of 2002 requires NCES to collect, report, analyze and disseminate statistical data related to education in the United States and in other nations. ◦Carl D. Perkins Act requires NCES to “collect and report information on career and technical education for a nationally representative sample of students”. By: CTE in the United States Short reports on specific CTE topics Web tables (
Virtual Data Quality Institute VDQI: ◦June 7-8, 2011 DAY 1 ◦Purpose – To assist states with building capacity to link CTE data with state longitudinal data systems for expanded CTE data use. ◦National Perspective – State Longitudinal Data Systems (Tate Gould & Lyndsay Pinkus) ◦Session 1 – Link SLDS across the P-20 education pipeline and across state agencies (Tate Gould, Lyndsay Pinkus & Jay Pfeiffer) ◦Session 2 – Ensure CTE data can be accessed, analyzed and used (Sharon Enright, Kathy Wilkins & DQC) ◦Session 3 – Build the capacity of CTE stakeholders to use data for effective decision making (Scott Parke, Donna Brandt & DQC)
Virtual Data Quality Institute VDQI: ◦June 7-8, 2011 DAY 2 ◦State networking Activity ? ◦Report-out ◦Debrief OVAE ◦Closing